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    Title: 超競爭下之商業生態系統-以行動支付為例
    The Business Ecosystem under Hypercompetition: the Cases of Mobile Payment
    Authors: 劉品佳
    Contributors: 管康彥
    Keywords: 超競爭
    business ecosystem
    mobile payment
    third-party payment
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-08-22 13:41:36 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究運用質性研究方法,加以個案研究方式,對於第三方支付模式和實體信用卡虛擬化之非第三方支付模式進行個案分析,以探討在超競爭下,行動支付業者如何透過競爭以及合作策略,形成行動支付生態系統發展模式。本研究所得結論如下:
    In the view of hyper-competition, sustainable competitive advantage does not exist, and only by constant innovation in order to obtain a series of short-term competitive advantage. However, business ecosystem could clarify the competition and cooperation relationship between businesses. In this study, qualitative research and case study methodologies are used to find the adoptable mobile payment ecosystem.
    The third-party payment would fill the trust gap between the parties. Therefore, developing countries should adopt third party mobile payment ecosystem, in order to achieve financial inclusion. The non-third party payment would improve the security of cardholder transactions and reduce the risk of banking. Therefore, developed countries should adopt non-third party mobile payment ecosystem, in order to optimize financial services.
    The above conclusions can be summarized as two management implications: First, low penetration of financial services tends to develop third-party payment, and high penetration of financial services tends to develop non-third party payment. Second, business co-opetition strategy has the nature of value creation and value capture to achieve win-win situation.
    Taiwan’s financial service-intensive, customer needs are met, banks, stores can be formed with the third-party payment industry co-opetition relations, the development of a diverse payment methods, and therefore the construction using a single device to provide pluralistic payment function of mobile payment platform, will be suitable for robust development of Taiwan’s mobile payment ecosystem. Suggestions include cross-industry co-opetition, open-minded financial supervision, training financial technology professionals, and strengthen information security.
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