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    Title: 中亞區域整合:以交通與能源為探討中心
    Regional Integration in Central Asia: Issues on Transportation and Energy
    Authors: 彭路傑
    Contributors: 魏百谷
    Keywords: 中亞
    Central Asia
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-08-22 13:29:06 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 中亞地區位在歐亞大陸中心,是連接歐洲與亞洲的橋樑。而且該地區擁有豐富的能源,成為中亞國家經濟發展的利器。然而這五國在獨立後失去蘇聯中央的經濟指導,再加上交通與能源基礎建設妥善率欠佳,為了發揮中亞地區交通與能源的優勢,得倚靠外國勢力提供外資與技術上的援助。國際金融機構與歐美中俄等大國亦看準中亞地區交通與能源發展的潛能,陸續發起不少計畫,協助該地區的交通與能源基礎建設復甦。
    本研究將分析國際金融機構與大國設立的機制如何在中亞地區進行交通以及能源的整合戰略,並以五個機制為討論主軸:亞洲開發銀行的中亞區域經濟合作組織(Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation,CAREC)、歐盟的睦鄰與夥伴策略(European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument,ENPI)、美國的新絲綢之路戰略(New Silk Road Strategy,NSRS)、中國的絲綢之路經濟帶(Silk Road Economic Belt,SREB)與俄國的歐亞經濟聯盟(Eurasian Economic Union,EEU)。探究五個整合機制的交通與能源計畫後,再比較這五個機制所推行的計畫間,彼此的共通性與差異性。並深研這些計畫是以修繕既存的基礎設施為主,或是有規劃出新的交通、能源路線。
    Central Asia, located at the heart of Eurasian land, is a bridge connecting Europe and Asia. This region has such abundant resources has become a sharp weapon of nation’s economic development. However, after these five nations were independent, central guiding mechanism of Kremlin was malfunction, availability of the transportation and energy infrastructure is poor. In order to take advantage of transport and energy in Central Asia, nations have to rely on foreign interferences to offer investment and technical assistance. International financial institutions and other great powers such as Europe Union, United States, China and Russia spot the potential of transport and energy development in Central Asia. Therefore, they initiated a lot of programs to assist transport and energy infrastructure.
    This study will analyze how the mechanisms of the international financial institutions and great powers establish integration strategy of the transport and energy in Central Asia. There are five mechanisms for the discussion: Asian Development Bank`s Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC), EU`s European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI), U.S. New Silk Road Strategy (NSRS), China`s Silk Road Economic Belt (SREB) and Russia`s Eurasian Economic Union (EEU). After exploring five mechanisms’ transport and energy plans, this study then compares commonality and difference of these implementation plans. Finally, deeply studying of these plans mainly renovates existing infrastructure, or designs new transport routes, energy pipelines and power grids.
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