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Title: | 媒體報導對立法行為的影響:以第八屆環境法案為例 The Effect of Media Coverage on Legislative Behavior : The Case of Environment Bills(2012-2015) |
Authors: | 黃彥琳 Huang, Yan Lin |
Contributors: | 盛杏湲 Sheng, Shing Yuan 黃彥琳 Huang, Yan Lin |
Keywords: | 環境議題 提案類型 媒體報導 立法行為 議程設定 environmental issue proposals type media coverage legislative behavior agenda setting |
Date: | 2016 |
Issue Date: | 2016-08-22 13:11:38 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本文站在媒體會影響政治的框架下,探討媒體報導對立法委員在環境議題提案的影響。亦即,筆者認為立法委員對不同性質的環境議題提案,會因為媒體報導數量的多寡,而有不同的立法態度出現,並提出兩個研究問題:(1)在媒體報導下,立法委員對環境議題法案的提案模式為何? (2)環境議題提案在什麼樣貌的媒體報導下,能順利產出成為法律?因此,本文以第八屆立法院與環境議題有關的所有提案為研究對象,建立四個媒體報導與立法行為的研究假設,透過立法院國會圖書館搜集資料,再以交叉列表的方式檢證假設,並輔以質性資料補充說明研究結果。 研究結果顯示:在提案是屬於有利環境的情形時,媒體報導的多寡的確會對立法委員的行為產生影響,亦即當媒體報導的愈多,提案與連署人數會愈多、總提案數會愈多、審議時間會愈短以及三讀通過的機率會愈高;反之,當提案是屬於不利環境的情形時,媒體報導的多寡帶給立法行為的影響不一,因為當媒體報導的愈多,提案與連署人數只有在超過特定的媒體報導數量才會愈少、而總提案數會愈少與審議時間會愈長的假設,則無法被證實,但三讀通過的機率被證實會愈低。 In the framework of agenda setting, this thesis focuses on exploring the effect of media coverage on legislators in environmental bills. That is, with various amount of media coverage, the legislators have different attitudes and behaviors towards different type of environmental proposals. The research questions are as following: what are legislators’ proposal modes concerning the environmental issues? What kind of media coverage can make a proposal become a law? Therefore, I collect all of the environmental proposals from 2012 to 2015, and establish four hypotheses of media coverage and legislative behaviors. The data comes from the parliamentary library database. By applying cross tabulation, I try to elaborate their relationship. I also gather some qualitative research material as a supplement for the result. The research result suggests that media coverage does affect legislators’ behaviors towards environmental friendly proposals. To be more exact, under the condition of large amount of media coverage, proposers and sponsors are willing to participate in, and also there will be more proposals on the table. Moreover, a proposal will need little examination day and get higher probability to be passed. However, the media coverage did not completely conform to hypotheses on the part of unfavorable environment. The more media coverage, the fewer participants happened at a particular condition. The hypothesis of proposals amount and examination day could not be confirmed in this study, but the lower probability of legislative success was proved indeed. |
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