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Title: | 應用社會網路分析於易經爻辭之文字特徵觀察 Application of Social Network Analysis For Text Characteristic Observation On I-Ching Line Statements |
Authors: | 李俊澔 Lee, Chun Hao |
Contributors: | 劉吉軒 Liu, Jyi Shane 李俊澔 Lee, Chun Hao |
Keywords: | 易經爻辭 詞頻分析 社會網路分析 資料分析 I Ching Line Statements Word Frequency Analysis Social Network Analysis Data Analysis |
Date: | 2016 |
Issue Date: | 2016-08-22 11:06:55 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著資訊技術的進步,各種史料文本的數位化工作已經處理完成,運用資訊技術於史料文本分析的研究日益增加。本研究以詞頻分析與社會網路分析為主軸,對於古代《易經》爻辭的文字進行多元化的觀察,本研究首先以詞頻分析探討《易經》爻辭字詞頻率的觀察,再利用《易經》爻辭位置資訊建構成各個社會網路結構,對每個社會網路結構運算各項社會網路指標數據,最後將實驗結果與過往《易經》爻辭的論點做印證與對照,期望對於《易經》爻辭之分析,有更多元性的客觀研究觀察。本研究提供了一個分析《易經》爻辭的新面向,也可供未來研究者對於其他古文研究作參考。 With advances in information technology, digitization of various historical text has been completed.The study of historical text analysis by using information technology is in-creasing daily.In this paper, we used word frequency analysis and social network analy-sis in the I-Ching line statements.First, we used word frequency analysis in I-Ching line statements,using N-gram and TF-IDF technique analysis word frequency.Second, we constructed social network structure by I-Ching line statements position infor-mation,calculating several social network analysis indicator on each network.We com-pared our experiment results with some existing I-Ching theory, expecting to get more objective results and more diverse analysis for the I-Ching line statements. We not only provided a new perspective to study I-Ching line statements but also expected to help other researchers to study different historical text. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 資訊科學學系 101753035 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0101753035 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [資訊科學系] 學位論文
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