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Title: | 綠色環保時尚服飾業營運策略之研究 以S公司為例 Study of Fashion Apparel Industry on Green Strategy – in S Company |
Authors: | 王元宏 Wang, Yuan Hong |
Contributors: | 林柏生 Lin, Bo Sheng 王元宏 Wang,Yuan Hong |
Keywords: | 永續發展 營運策略 綠色環保 資源基礎 Sustainable Development Strategy Green Environment Strategy |
Date: | 2016 |
Issue Date: | 2016-08-22 10:53:19 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 「永續經營」是企業經營者主要面對的問題,「地球暖化」卻是全球生存的問題,就企業公民社會倫理角度,經營者如何在公司永續經營過程中,同時將綠色環保要素納入營運流程及經營策略中,此為未來經營者首要考慮重點。本研究個案公司為台灣起家之國際時尚精品服飾之企業,有鑑於地球暖化日益嚴重的碳排放問題,基於關懷地球居住環境之人文角度及永續發展觀點出發,經營者除了轉投資皆是採取以綠色能源為主軸的投資標的,此外,並重新思考公司營運策略及檢視價值鏈,透過本個案研究進行探索:公司未來營運策略擬定,將研發、設計、製造、行銷、配送等價值鏈納入綠色環保為時尚營運策略之研究,此為本論文研究主要背景及動機。研究個案將以資源基礎理論為分析架構,將永續發展、綠色環保主流意識,納入營運策略考量。
本研究將以資源基礎理論為分析架構,以質性研究個案研究法進行資料之分析、整理、彙總等,探討在綠色環保主流意識來臨中,個案公司資源優劣勢分析、因應綠色環保營運策略主要核心競爭力。另外探究個案公司因應綠色環保營運策略下之主要關鍵要項。 本研究結論及貢獻如下: 1. 針對大中華經濟圈之國際精品實務個案研討,本篇為首度以永續發展及節能減碳概念,進行個案研究探討,此對於未來文化創意產業或精品設計公司在引進環保概念置入營運流程時,具備管理實務貢獻。 2. 對於個案公司將節能減碳與營運策略共同擬定,相信對於實務勢必有所啟發,建立理論與實務之研究貢獻。
另外基於時間限制下,對於營運流程引進節能減碳之實際執行策略評估及成本效益原則,無法進一步以田野調查(field study)深入探討。 “Going-concern” is the main topic of business and “global warming” is human survival issue. From a corporate citizen standpoint, how to take the factor of green environmental protection into consideration with the principle of going-concern and strategy planning is firstly an important consideration for business operating in future.
This case study is a Taiwan international luxury fashion brand company. Since the global warming carbon emissions are growing, concerning about earth care and sustainable development, the business owner invests not only green energy, which is his main investment targets. Research background: The owner wants to rethink how to blend green environmental protection into their business strategy and value chain, including R&D, design, manufacturing, marketing and logistics, and explores the effect of strategy change. This study aims at exploring how the effect changes of putting green environment protection consideration into business strategy based on Resource Based View (RBV) analytical framework.
The research methodology uses case study to gather, interview, analyze, and summarize data. The research analyzes business SWOT, including strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, and also does strategy gap compared with competitors. Finally, the research also explores the green environmental protection impact factors with competitors, and concludes case study core competence key factors. The conclusion and contribution of this research are as following:
1. This is the first case study about international luxury fashion brand facing the green environmental protection and sustainable issue on business strategy and value chain exploring in the greater China region and research contribution on management implication.
2. This research contributes to business practice and theory by evaluating carbon reduction and operating strategy at the same time.
This research is restricted on limited survey time. It doesn’t take further step to do field study on carbon reduction implementing strategy combined with operating strategy, and doesn’t measure cost-benefit. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 103932428 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103932428 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文
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