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Title: | 不動產經紀業與電子商務之創新商業模型分析 -以窩牛網為例 The Innovative Business Model Research for E-Commerce of the Real Estate Brokerage Industry-Case Studies of Snailhouse |
Authors: | 陳立賢 Chen, Li Hsien |
Contributors: | 郭維裕 Kuo, Wei Yu 陳立賢 Chen, Li Hsien |
Keywords: | 不動產經紀業 電子商務 互聯網 代理理論 Transparency Real Estate Industry Service Innovation |
Date: | 2016 |
Issue Date: | 2016-08-22 10:48:06 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在過去的十年間,台灣的房地產市場呈現快速擴張和大規模型態增長時期。在此期間房價快速上升,一般在全國各地,尤其是在都會地區的房價相較十年前開始上升幅度更為顯著。許多因素之干擾導致物價呈現上漲:如大幅調降遺產稅率、長期低利率及寬鬆貨幣政策,投資者非理性預期等。根據長期觀察,傳統的房地產交易市場主要由不動產經紀產業主導,也就是俗稱的房屋仲介,由於不動產市場存在代理問題與資訊不對稱所造成交易成本推升的問題,相較於其他交易市場股票市場等,交易效率相當低。
在本研究中,我們將比較目前傳統不動產經紀公司的服務模式與重力科技公司運用互聯網創新之不動產交易服務模式,窩牛網採用的是運用互聯網將市場交易資訊完全公開,更在議價上採用信託議價制度讓買賣雙方自行直接議價,強化價格透明度。總之這項研究將研究其中的重力科技帶來的房地產交易行業的服務創新。 Over the past ten years, Taiwan’s real estate market has seen an extended and extensive growth period. In short during this period property prices has risen in general throughout the country and especially in the metropolitan areas prices has easily doubled in pricing in comparison to the start of the ten year period. There are many factors which contributed to the rise in prices: drastic reduction in inheritance tax, low interest rate, lax bank policies, investor bullish sentiment, etc. To top it all off traditionally the real estate transaction market served mostly by traditional real estate brokerage agencies is very inefficient in comparison to other transactional markets such as the stocks and commodities.
It is interesting to note that with the start of the internet revolution since the early 2000 period many industries has utilized the internet as a means of bringing more transparency and efficiency to their perspective industries. As a result businesses has greatly benefited from the increase in efficiencies. However the real estate brokerage industry has not seen drastic changes which utilize the internet as a means of bringing more efficiency from customer’s point of view.
In this study we will be examining the current traditional real estate brokerage’s service model vs Z-Strength Technology’s real estate service model; Z-Strength Technology utilizes the internet as a means of bringing 100% information and transaction transparency to the market. In short this study will be studying the service innovation which Z-Strength Technology brings to the real estate transaction industry. 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究方法與範圍 5
第二章 文獻回顧 8
第一節 交易成本理論 8
第二節 代理理論 16
第三節 電子商務理論 19
第三章 創新個案討論 28
第一節 市場概況 28
第二節 創新商業模型 29
第三節 小結 33
第四章 結論與建議 35
第一節 結論 35
第二節 建議 42
第五章 相關文獻 44
中文文獻 44
英文文獻 45 |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 98932018 |
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