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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 資訊管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/100462
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    Title: 跨境網購消費者價值之探討:方法目的鏈理論之應用
    Exploring Consumer Value of Cross-Border Online Shopping: An Application of Means-End Chain Theory and Maslow`s Hierarchy of Needs
    Authors: 張良碩
    Contributors: 李有仁
    Keywords: 跨境線上購物
    Cross-Border Online Shopping Behaviour
    Consumer Value
    Means-End Chain
    Hierarchical Value Map
    Maslow`s Hierarchy Of Needs
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-08-22 10:45:13 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 目前線上購物網站正面臨著削價競爭、低品質競爭的市場困境,而跨境線上購物卻展現出蓬勃的發展態勢。也由於跨境線上購物的複雜性遠高於傳統的境內線上購物,因此了解跨境消費者之價值是跨境線上購物最重要的成功因素。業者欲開發海外新市場,必須了解該地消費者行為與其決策過程後制定出好的商業策略,才能獲得消費者青睞。
    因此本研究以方法目的鏈之「屬性-結果-價值」(attribute-consequence-value)階層分析,建構消費者對跨境線上購物的價值階層圖(hierarchical value map),探討並分析其中的內涵,並帶入馬斯洛需求層級(hierarchy of needs),將價值階層元素之重要性加以排序。藉由引取消費者在使用跨境線上購物服務的理由與所帶來的內在價值,預測與分析現在跨境線上購物之的演進與發展、國際貿易之機會等,勾勒線上購物學術界的未來重要研究方向,並供線上購物產業作實務性決策參考。
    While online shopping websites are facing the difficulties of price and low-quality competition, cross-border online shopping is on a vigorous development trend, showing that cross-border online shopping is an important trend of online shopping field. Due to the complexity of cross-border online shopping is much higher than the traditional domestic online shopping, so understanding the value of cross-border online shopping consumers is the most important success factors. Companies want to develop new markets abroad, must understand the local consumer’s behavior and their decision-making process in order to make good business strategies. This study uses means-end chain to construct Taiwanese cross-border online shopping consumers’ hierarchical value map, and also apply to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, then sorting these value elements’ importance by their position in hierarchy of needs. After obtained the reason why consumers use cross-border online shopping service and what values they got in this service. Researcher can predict and analyze the evolution and development of cross-border online shopping, provide reference for future online shopping academic studies and online shopping industry’s decision-making.
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