Items for Author "Chu, Shao-Ying"
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[心理學系] 期刊論文
Irritability following traumatic brain injury: divergent manifestations of annoyance and verbal aggression.
楊啟正 ; Yang, Chi-Cheng ; Hua, Mau-Sun ; Lin, Wei-Chi ; Tsai, Yi-Hsin ; Huang, Sheng-Jean
[心理學系] 期刊論文
Cross-cultural effect on suboptimal effort detection: an example of the Digit Span subtest of the WAIS-III in Taiwan.
楊啟正 ; Yang, Cheng-Chang ; Kao, Chen-Jay ; Cheng, Ting-Wen ; Yang, Chi-Cheng ; Wang, Wei-Han ; Yu, Rwei-Ling ; Hsu, Yen-Hsuan ; Hua, Mau-Sun
[心理學系] 期刊論文
Divergent manifestations of irritability in patients with mild and moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury: perspectives of awareness and neurocognitive correlates.
楊啟正 ; Yang, Chi-Cheng ; Huang, Sheng-Jean ; Lin, Wei-Chi ; Tsai, Yi-Hsin ; Hua, Mau-Sun
[心理學系] 期刊論文
Microstructural integrity of cerebral fiber tracts in hereditary spastic paraparesis with SPG11 mutation.
楊啟正 ; Pan, M.-K. ; Huang, S.-C. ; Lo, Y.-C. ; Yang, Chih-Chao ; Cheng, T.-W. ; Yang, Chi-Cheng ; Hua, M.-S. ; Tseng, M.-J. Lee and W.-Y.I.
[心理學系] 期刊論文
Selective neuropsychological impairments and related clinical factors in children with moyamoya disease of the transient ischemic attack type.
楊啟正 ; Hsu, Yen-Hsuan ; Kuo, Meng-Fai ; Hua, Mau-Sun ; Yang, Chi-Cheng
[心理學系] 期刊論文
楊啟正 ; Yang, Chi-Cheng ; Yuen, Kit-Man ; Huang, Sheng-Jean ; Hsiao, Sheng-Huang ; Tsai, Yi-Hsin ; Lin, Wei-Chi
[心理學系] 期刊論文
Reversible mirror clock drawing after acute right frontoparietal lobe infarct.
楊啟正 ; Cheng, Yu-Wen ; Yang, Chi-Cheng ; Tang, Sung-Chun ; Jeng, Jiann-Shing
[心理學系] 期刊論文
Evident cognitive impairments in seemingly recovered patients after midazolam-based light sedation during diagnostic endoscopy.
楊啟正 ; Hsu, Yen-Hsuan ; Lin, Feng-Sheng ; Yang, Chi-Cheng ; Lin, Chih-Peng ; Hua, Mau-Sun ; Sun, Wei-Zen
[心理學系] 期刊論文
Evaluating the impact of hippocampal sparing during whole brain radiotherapy on neurocognitive functions: A preliminary report of a prospective phase II study.
楊啟正 ; Lin, Shinn‑Yn ; Yang, Chi‑Cheng ; Wu, Yi‑Ming ; Tseng, Chen‑Kan ; Wei, Kuo‑Chen ; Chu, Yi‑Chuan ; Hsieh, Hsiang‑Yao ; Wu1, Tung‑Ho ; Pai, Ping‑Ching ; Hsu, Peng‑Wei
[心理學系] 期刊論文
Hippocampal dosimetry correlates with the change in neurocognitive function after hippocampal sparing during whole brain radiotherapy: a prospective study.
楊啟正 ; Tsai, Ping-Fang ; Yang, Chi-Cheng ; Chuang, Chi-Cheng ; Huang, Ting-Yi ; Wu, Yi-Ming ; Pai, Ping-Ching ; Tseng, Chen-Kan ; Wu, Tung-Ho ; Shen, Yi-Liang ; Lin, Shinn-Yn
[心理學系] 期刊論文
Psychometric Properties of the Taiwanese (Traditional Chinese) Version of the Frontal Assessment Battery: A Preliminary Study.
楊啟正 ; Wang, Tzu-Lan ; Hung, Yi-Hsiang ; Yang, Chi-Cheng
[心理學系] 期刊論文
Frontal Assessment Battery as a Useful Tool to Differentiate Mild Cognitive Impairment due to Subcortical Ischemic Vascular Disease from Alzheimer Disease
楊啟正 ; Hsu, Y.-H. ; Huang, C.-F. ; Lo, C.-P. ; Wang, T.-L. ; Yang, C.-C. ; Tu, M.-C
[心理學系] 期刊論文
Retrospectively evaluated preinjury personality traits influence postconcussion symptoms.
楊啟正 ; Yuen, Kit-Man ; Tsai, Yi-Hsin ; Lin, Wei-Chi ; Yang, Chi-Cheng ; Huang, Sheng-Jean
[心理學系] 期刊論文
Chinese character fluency test: an investigation of psychometric properties.
楊啟正 ; Hung, Yi-Hsiang ; Wang, Tzu-Lan ; Yang, Chi-Cheng
[心理學系] 期刊論文
Ultrasonographic Changes after Indirect Revascularization Surgery in Pediatric Patients with Moyamoya Disease
楊啟正 ; Yeh, Shin-Joe ; Tang, Sung-Chun ; Tsai, Li-Kai ; Chen, Ya-Fang ; Liu, Hon-Man ; Chen, Ying-An ; Hsieh, Yu-Lin ; Yang, Shih-Hung ; Tien, Yu-Hsuan ; Yang, Chi-Cheng
[心理學系] 期刊論文
Quality of return to work in patients with mild traumatic brain injury: a prospective investigation of associations among post-concussion symptoms, neuropsychological functions, working status and stability
楊啟正 ; Chu, Shao-Ying ; Tsai, Yi-Hsin ; Xiao, Sheng-Huang ; Huang, Sheng-Jean ; Yang, Chi-Cheng
[心理學系] 專書/專書篇章
Rehabilitation in Taiwan
楊啟正 ; Yang, Chi-Cheng
[心理學系] 期刊論文
Quality of return to work in patients with mild traumatic brain injury: a prospective investigation of associations among post-concussion symptoms, neuropsychological functions, working status and stability
Chu, Shao-Ying ; Tsai, Yi-Hsin ; Xiao, Sheng-Huang ; Huang, Sheng-Jean
[心理學系] 期刊論文
Iatrogenic Effect? Cautions when Utilizing an Early Health Education for Post-concussion Symptoms
楊啟正 ; Yang, Chi-Cheng ; Chiu, Hsiao-Chun ; Xiao, Sheng-Huang ; Tsai, Yi-Hsin
[心理學系] 期刊論文
楊啟正 ; Yang, C.C. ; 璩大成 ; 黃勝堅
[心理學系] 期刊論文
楊啟正 ; Yang, C.C. ; 林宛玲 ; 呂宜峰 ; 劉建良 ; 翁林仲
[心理學系] 期刊論文
Maintenance of multidomain neurocognitive functions in pediatric patients after proton beam therapy: A prospective case-series study
楊啟正 ; Yang, Chi-Cheng ; Lin, Shinn-Yn ; Tsen, Chen-kan
[經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文
中國記憶體產業邁向全球化之策略發展 以A公司為例
楊承昌 ; Yang, Cheng-Chang
[心理學系] 期刊論文
Heterogeneous influences of emotional disturbances on multi-domain quality of life after anterior cervical spine surgery: A prospective study
楊啟正 ; Chi-ChengYang ; Wei-ChiLin ; Chien, Andy ; Jaw-LinWang ; Dar-MingLai
[教育學系] 會議論文
Can we activate the awe-emotion through a series of picture-watching?
余民寧 ; Yu, M. N. ; Hsu, Y. H. ; Chen, P. L.
[教育學系] 會議論文
Development and item response analysis of the Awe-Scale
余民寧 ; Yu, M. N. ; Hsu, Y. H ; Hsiung, S. Y.
[心理學系] 期刊論文
楊啟正 ; Yang, C.C. ; 黃少甫 ; 葉依琳 ; 徐愫萱 ; 曾意婷 ; 黃遵誠
[應用數學系] 期刊論文
Maintenance of multi-domain neurocognitive functions in patients with newly-diagnosed primary CNS lymphoma after primary cranial radiotherapy combined with methotrexate-based chemotherapy: A preliminary case-series study
楊啟正 ; Yang, C. C. ; Lin, S. Y. ; Chuang, C. C. ; Tsan, D. L. ; Hung, Y. S. ; Fu, C. J. ; Shen, Y. L. ; Chiang, Y. Y. ; Huang, Y. C. ; Lu, Y. J.
[心理學系] 期刊論文
Perceived Change in Physical, Cognitive, and Emotional Symptoms after Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in Patients Endorsing Pre-Injury Anxiety or Depression
楊啟正 ; Yang, Chi-Cheng ; Karr, Justin E. ; Iverson, Grant L. ; Huang, Sheng-Jean ; Silverberg, Noah D.
[心理學系] 期刊論文
Postoperative change of neuropsychological function after indirect revascularization in childhood moyamoya disease: a correlation with cerebral perfusion study
楊啟正 ; Yang, C.C. ; Hsu, Y.H. ; Chen, Y.F. ; Yang, S.H. ; Kuo, M.F.
[心理學系] 期刊論文
楊啟正 ; Yang, Chi-Cheng ; 林宛玲 ; 呂宜峰 ; 劉建良 ; 翁林仲
[心理學系] 期刊論文
Long-term presentation of post-concussion symptoms and associated factors: Analysis of latent class modeling
楊啟正 ; Yang, Chi-Cheng
[心理學系] 期刊論文
Complicated versus uncomplicated mild traumatic brain injuries: A comparison of psychological, cognitive, and post-concussion symptom outcomes
楊啟正 ; Yang, Chi-Cheng ; Karr, Justin E.
[心理學系] 期刊論文
楊啟正 ; Yang, Chi-Cheng
[心理學系] 期刊論文
Baseline preseason ImPACT ® testing in Mandarin with adolescent student-athletes in the United States
楊啟正 ; Yang, Chi-Cheng ; Iverson, Grant L. ; Karr, Justin E. ; Hong, Yue ; Maxwell, Bruce ; Berkner, Paul D.
[心理學系] 期刊論文
Long-Term Presentation of Postconcussion Symptoms and Associated Factors: Analysis of Latent Class Modeling
游琇婷 ; 楊啟正 ; Yu, Hsiu-Ting ; Yang, Chi-Cheng ; Hsu, Huan-Hsuan ; Lai, Wen-Hsuan ; Xiao, Sheng-Huang ; Tsai, Yi-Hsin ; Wang, Kuo-Chuan ; Huang, Sheng-Jean
[心理學系] 期刊論文
Hippocampal avoidance whole-brain radiotherapy without memantine in preserving neurocognitive function for brain metastases: A phase II blinded randomized trial
楊啟正 ; Yang, Chi-Cheng ; Pei-Fang, Wu
[心理學系] 期刊論文
楊啟正 ; Yang, Chi-Cheng ; 吳曉聞 ; 李沂蓁 ; 楊君宜 ; 許家禎
[心理學系] 期刊論文
楊啟正 ; Yang, Chi-Cheng ; 呂宜峰 ; 林宛玲 ; 楊君宜 ; 許家禎
[心理學系] 期刊論文
Development of the Subjective Cognitive Decline Scale for Mandarin-Speaking Population
吳治勳 ; Wu, Chih-Hsun ; Tsai, Hsing-Fang ; Hsu, Chih-Cheng ; Liu, Chien-Liang ; Hsu, Yen-Hsuan
[心理學系] 期刊論文
楊啟正 ; 李沂蓁 ; 吳曉聞 ; 周庭筠 ; 紀郁君 ; 楊君宜 ; 許家禎 ; Yang, Chi-Cheng ; Lee, Yi-Jhen ; Wu, Hsiao-Wen ; Chou, Ting-Yun ; Chi, Yu-Chun ; Yang, Chun-Yi ; Hsu, Chia-Chen
[心理學系] 期刊論文
Oncological Outcomes After Hippocampus-Sparing Whole-Brain Radiotherapy in Cancer Patients With Newly Diagnosed Brain Oligometastases: A Single-Arm Prospective Observational Cohort Study in Taiwan
楊啟正 ; Yang, Chi-Cheng ; Lin, Shinn-Yn ; Tsan, Din-Li ; Chuang, Chi-Cheng ; Pai, Ping-Ching ; Wang, Chih-Liang ; Wu, Yi-Ming ; Lee, Cheng-Chi ; Lin, Chia-Hsin ; Wei, Kuo-Chen ; Chou, Wen-Chi
[心理學系] 期刊論文
Pre-Injury headache and post-traumatic headache in patients with mild traumatic brain injury: neuropsychological, psychiatric, and post-concussion symptom outcomes
楊啟正 ; Yang, Chi-Cheng ; Karr, Justin E ; Williams, Michael W ; Iverson, Grant L ; Huang, Sheng-Jean
[心理學系] 期刊論文
Neuropsychological performances in patients with infiltrative non-GBM gliomas after postoperative adjuvant photon or proton radiotherapy: A prospective and preliminary investigation
楊啟正 ; Yang, Chi-Cheng ; Lin, Shinn-Yn ; Chuang, Chi-Cheng ; Huang, Yin-Cheng ; Pai, Ping-Ching ; Lee, Cheng-Chi ; Wei, Kuo-Chen ; Tseng, Chen-Kan
[心理學系] 期刊論文
Long-term work quality of patients with mild traumatic brain injury: The associations with postconcussion symptoms
楊啟正 ; Yang, Chi-Cheng ; Lai, Wen-Hsuan ; Hsu, Huan-Hsuan ; Yu, Hsiu-Ting ; Xiao, Sheng-Huang ; Tsai, Yi-Hsin ; Wang, Kuo-Chuan ; Huang, Sheng-Jean ; Lin, Chih-Peng
[心理學系] 期刊論文
Quality of life outcomes after surgical intervention in patients with multiple rib fractures: A prospective cohort study
楊啟正 ; Yang, Chi-Cheng ; Lian, Kuan-Hsun ; Hu, Fu-Chang ; Lin, Wen-Ying ; Hsiao, Wei-Ling ; Lin, Tzu-Hsin ; Hu, Rey-Heng ; Chen, Jin-Shing ; Liao, Hsien-Chi
[心理學系] 期刊論文
Development of the Chronic Pain Cognition Scale: A Culture-Sensitive Pain Measurement in Chinese
楊啟正 ; 吳治勳 ; Yang, Chi-Cheng ; Wu, Chih-Hsun ; Chou, Wei-Han ; Long, Yi-Hsun ; Yang, Hao-Han ; Lin, Tung ; Sun, Wei-Zen ; Chen, Chih-Cheng ; Lin, Chih-Peng
[心理學系] 期刊論文
Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback for Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: A Randomized-Controlled Study
楊啟正 ; Yang, Chi Cheng ; Lu, Hsueh Chen ; Gevirtz, Richard ; Hauson, Alexander O.
[心理學系] 期刊論文
A preliminary investigation of dissociation between subjective cognitive complaints and objective cognitive impairments in female patients with fibromyalgia: a role of information processing speed
楊啟正 ; 吳治勳 ; Yang, Chi-Cheng ; Keung, Yan-Ping ; Wu, Chih-Hsun ; Sun, Wei-Zen ; Lin, Chih-Peng
[心理學系] 期刊論文
楊啟正 ; 沈晏羽 ; 吳曉聞 ; Yang, Chi-Cheng ; Shen, Yan-Yu ; Wu, Hsiao-Wen