”Physiologus” is a compilation of nature studies, formed at early Christian time (2. -4. Century A. D.). In every chapter of this compilation, certain of characters of a natural object-predominantly animals-will be described. Following, the descriptions will be interpreted concerning bible passages or the salvific story. However, this opus has its function for Christian edifying instruction more than purpose of biological studies.By means of the motif of the unicorn from the ”Physiologus”, diffused in the Middle Age, the progress of the allegorical interpretation regarding the Christian hermeneutics of the Middle Age will be demonstrated. After an introduction into the opus and the studies of the unicorn, its motif history in the literature from the Antique until the German Middle Age will be observed. The applications of this motif in the German literature will be discussed and compared with each other. According to these examples, we will see how a motif comes from a strange culture into the Christian German area and its development there.