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Title: | 海岸濕地遊憩價值研究 -以台南七股鹽田溼地為例 Recreational value of the Tainan Chiku Coastal Wetland |
Authors: | 黎俊廷 |
Contributors: | 蕭代基 Shaw,Daigee 黎俊廷 |
Keywords: | 旅行成本法 七股鹽田濕地 |
Date: | 2016 |
Issue Date: | 2016-08-09 11:59:44 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 濕地所供給的生態系統服務(Ecosystem Service)與人類社會是密不可分的,且一旦破壞便難以回復到原本的狀態。 本研究藉由評估台南七股鹽田濕地的遊憩價值,用以說明濕地的重要性。調查母體為台灣全體20歲以上居民,採親自訪問調查以減少偏誤,使用旅行成本法評估濕地的遊憩價值,並透過假設行為法來評估「環境品質上升50%」所帶來遊憩效益的變化,實證模型方面,利用三種模型來評估濕地的遊憩價值,包括整數分配的Poisson迴歸模型、Negative Bionomial迴歸模型、廣義Poisson迴歸模型,以及連續變數的Tobit迴歸模型。 本研究將旅遊者區分為過夜與不過夜兩類,分別評估其旅遊需求函數,研究發現過夜者的旅遊需求不同於一般對理性消費者的預期,故本研究只針對當日旅遊者估計其旅遊需求函數,計算其遊憩效益。 最終採廣義卜瓦松迴歸模型計算遊憩效益,結果顯示,台南七股鹽田溼地的遊憩效益為平均每年每人為437.05元,平均每年因「環境品質上升50%」而增加的價值為263.39元,每年每人的遊憩效益約提升62%。全國每年遊憩效益部分,104年全國七股鹽田溼地的遊憩價值約為4.11億元,環境品質上升可使每年的遊憩效益增加1.46億元。 The ecosystem services provided by the wetland have an inseparable relationship with human society and it would be difficult to restore to its initial status if it had been destroyed. This study evaluates recreational value of the Tainan Chiku Wetland. The research adopted in-person survey and the population of the sample is Taiwan residents over 20 years old. Moreover, I use the travel cost method to assess the recreational value of the wetland and to evaluate the value of environment quality improvement through the contingent behavior method. As for the empirical model, I use three different econometric models to estimate the recreational demand function, including Poisson regression model, Negative Binomial regression model, Generalized Possion and Tobit regression model. Furthermore, I estimate two different tourism demand functions separately for overnight and day-trip travelers. I find that overnight travelers are quite different from day-tripers. Thus, I only study the behavior of day-trip travelers. This study finally use Generalized Possion regression model to show results, the recreational benefit per person per year of the Tainan Chiku Wetland is 437.05NTD. With the improvement of the environmental quality, the benefit per person per year increases 263.39NTD. For the whole country, recreational benefit per year of the Tainan ChiKu Wetland is 4.11 hundred million NTD. It will increase to 1.24 hundred million NTD per year with the environmental quality improvement. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經濟學系 103258025 |
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