參考文獻: | 一、英文文獻 1. Francis J. Gouillart and James N. Kelly (1996), Transforming the Organization, Mcgraw-Hill. 2. Ian Morrison(1996), The Second Curve: Radical Strategies for Managing , Random House Audio. 3. Mehrdad Baghai, Stephen Coley, and David White(1999), Alchemy of Growth, Orion. 4. Robert A. Burgelman and Andrew Grove(2007), “Managing the Strategic Dynamics of Acquisition Integration: Lessons From HP and Compaq,” Strategic Management Journal, 28, pp. 965-979. 5. Robert A. Burgelman, Andrew Grove ,and Philip E. Meza(2006), Strategic Dynamics: Concepts and Cases, McGraw-Hill. 6. T. Davenport, J. short. (1990) The New Industrial, “Engineering: Informmion Technology and BusinessProcess Redesion.” Sloan Management Review, Summer, pp. 11-27. 7. Michael Hammer and James Champy(2006), Reengineering the Corporation: A Manifesto for Business Revolution, Harper Business, Rev edi. 8. Michael Hammer(1995), The Reengineering Revolution: a handbook, HarperBusiness. 9. Michael Hammer(1997), Beyond Reengineering: How the Process-Centered Organization Will Change Our Work and Our Lives, HarperBusiness. 10. Michael Hammer(2003), The Agenda: What Every Business Must Do to Dominate the Decade, Crown Business. 11. Michael Hammer and Lisa W. Hershman(2010), Faster, Cheaper, Better: The 9 Levers for Transforming How Work Gets Done, Tantor Audio 12. Varun Grover, Kirk D. Fiedler(1996), “Exploring the Successful of Information Technology Enabled Business Process Reengineering.” IEEE Transaction on Engineering Manufacturing, 41(3). 13. Rococo W.Beimonte and Richard J.Murray(1993), “Getting ready for strategic Change: surviving business process redesign,” Information System Management. pp. 23-29. 14. Thomas H. Davenport(1996). Reengineering: Business Change of Mythic Proportions. MIS Quarterly.
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