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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 資訊管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/99765
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    Title: 軟體專案承諾升級的研究─自我辯護理論與框架效應
    Escalation of Commitment in Software Projects: the Self-justification Theory and the Framing Effect
    Authors: 彭仁柏
    Peng, Jen Po
    Contributors: 梁定澎

    Liang, Ting Peng
    Chou, Yen Chun

    Peng, Jen Po
    Keywords: 軟體專案管理
    software project management
    escalation of commitment
    Self-justification Theory
    Framing Effect
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-08-09 10:44:50 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 軟體專案管理中承諾升級的現象,往往為企業帶來巨大的損失,是管理者不希望但是卻經常發生的現象。過去針對這個問題的研究多以行為問卷或情境式的實驗來進行,但是近年來認知神經科學的方法逐漸被應用在資管管理的領域當中,故本研究透過功能性磁振造影(Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, fMRI)的研究方法重新探討此一現象,取得決策者當下腦部生理上的證據以檢驗過去解釋承諾升級現象的理論:自我辯護理論與訊息框架的解釋能力,也透過fMRI方式更深入了解決策當下的腦部反應機制。幾點發現如下:
    4.在整個實驗中發現扣帶前迴(Anterior Cingulate Cortex, ACC)有活化反應,依此腦區功能推論,顯示在進行決策時,理性與情緒系統之間會有競爭的情形發生,決策並非一味的偏向理性或是感性,而是同時存在相互拉扯。

    The escalation of commitment often causes big losses in software projects. The phenomenon often occurs. Most previous research use questionnaire surveys or role-playing games to investigate this issue. As the Cognitive Neuroscience method becomes popular in information systems, we use the fMRI to find neural evidences in the brain based on the self-justification theory and the framing effect that often used to explain the escalation of commitment. Below are our major findings:
    1.Self-responsibility and problem framing have interactions in the decision making process;
    2.Self-responsibility and the framing effect activated different brain areas;
    3.The decision to continue a project in trouble is more associated with in the intuition brain areas in the right cerebrum, whereas the decision to discontinue a project in trouble is more associated with the rational brain area in left cerebrum;
    4.We find significant activation of the Anterior Cingulate Cortex, whose cognitive functions may indicate that the reasoning system and emotional system compete during the process of escalation decision.
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