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    Title: 以全民健保資料庫探討臺灣人口特性與變遷
    Using National Health Insurance Database to explore the Township-level Population and its Migration
    Authors: 林敬昇
    Contributors: 余清祥

    Keywords: 全民健康保險
    National Health Insurance Research Databases
    Demographic Attributes
    Big Data
    de jure Population
    Outpatient Visits
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-08-09 10:41:57 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 戶籍登記制度是臺灣的特色之一,但戶籍人口與實際上的活動人口兩者未必一致,無法確定從中衍生的政策規劃是否妥適,這也是我國仍舊每十年進行一次戶口普查,以獲得常住人口資訊的原因之一。然而,十年一次普查的間隔過長,調查項目也較少,近年不少國家嘗試以公務統計、抽樣調查取得所需資訊,彌補、甚至取代普查,我國2010年普查也改成抽樣調查(約16%抽樣)。本文尋求替代普查的資料來源為目標,其中全民健保是我國聞名國際的重要社會保險制度,實施至今已逾20年,國人無論貧富、居住地區皆享有就醫權利,透過個人的就醫記錄可反映出類似常住人口的特性。
    因目前的健保資料庫並未紀錄投保人之居住地,本研究透過健保資料庫之上呼吸道感染就醫地記錄,作為判斷常住地的依據,輔以投保人口的相關資訊,未來或可發展為類似戶口普查的常住人口之參考。本文亦利用就醫常住地探討就醫人口之特性及其變遷,包括就醫習性、跨區就醫與醫療資源的關聯,並將此就醫需求特性之結果做為調整臺灣醫療資源的參考。再者,透過就醫常住地的方法推估人口遷移矩陣(Origin Destination Matrix),提供與戶籍遷移不同面向的資料參考來源,進一步探討因醫療資源分佈不均所造成的就醫行為之變遷,以及估算跨區就醫所衍生的成本。
    限制:感冒就醫行為在各年齡層間有所差異,因此人口結構在年齡層上受到感冒就醫比例影響,如:十歲以前的人口,因上呼吸道器官尚未發育完全而容易感染,因此感冒就醫比例相當高,人口比例較高,此外,亦無法探討未就醫之人口。因樣本代表性上的限制,也難以探討鄉鎮市區層級(Town-ship Level)。
    Although the population registration system is one of the distinctive features of Taiwan’s official statistics, it does not necessarily reflect the demographic information regarding the usual residential (or de jure) population. This is one of the reasons why Taiwan government still conduct population census every 10 years in order to acquire appropriate information for policy planning. However, the interval of 10 years is too long for most countries and thus there are some attempts (from Nordic countries especially) to integrate the records from official statistics and survey to construct the information of de jure population. Taiwan also experimented a survey of 16% sample to replace the traditional census in 2010. In this study, we also propose an alternative approach of data source to achieve the information of de jure population.

    Our approach is based on the National Health Insurance Research Database (NHIRD). Taiwan has national health insurance for more than 20 years, and everyone is eligible to join the NHI, no matter rich or poor, and now more than 99% of Taiwan population are covered. In a sense, the NHIRD covers practically whole population in Taiwan. In addition, every township of Taiwan has at least one medical institution, more than 10,000 medical institutions in 371 townships. People tend to visit nearby medical institutions for minor sickness, such as upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) and skin diseases. Therefore, the records of UTRI are used to approximate the de jure population. These records can also be used to acquire the pattern how people migrate by the change of their usual place of outpatient visit. We applied the outpatient migration data to migration models to evaluate the behavior of outpatient visits can be described by these models.

    We found that about 70% of people from database of one million sample in 2005 (LHI2005) would go to medical institution at least once annually because of UTRI, and 88% of these outpatient visits are in one county. Also, about 90% of people from LHI2005 would go to the doctors at least once for 2005-2007 (3-year interval) because of UTRI. In order words, the records of UTRI, including the locations of medical institution, can be used to estimate the place-of-residence. But this information should be used with care since they are not identical to those from census or population registration.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103354021
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[Department of Statistics] Theses

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