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Title: | 差異化教學對高中生英文聽力學習之成效研究 The Efficacy of Implementing Differentiated Instruction on EFL High School Students’ English Listening Comprehension Ability |
Authors: | 王今宏 Wang, Chin Hung |
Contributors: | 余明忠 Yu, Ming Chung 王今宏 Wang, Chin Hung |
Keywords: | 差異化教學 聽力理解 聽力過程 聽力困難 聽力教學 differentiated instruction listening comprehension listening process listening difficulty listening instruction |
Date: | 2016 |
Issue Date: | 2016-08-03 11:42:43 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 我們都很清楚知道,在21世紀的班級,許多的老師都是面對一群差異甚大並有不同能力的學習者,為了解決這個棘手的問題,差異化教學出現了,而且其成效不論在ESL或是EFL也都很成功。此外,許多研究也應用差異化教學去提升特定科目的學習,包含數學、音樂、美術以及閱讀。然而,沒有研究證實差異化教學對英文聽力學習成效。 74位研究實驗對象皆就讀於北台灣一所公立高中,他們都有相似的背景和教育程度。他們都是理組(二類)學生,每週有同樣時數的英文課。雖然可以假設他們同質性很高,但是為了確保實驗結果,T檢定也證實兩班以及各班三組(高分群、中分群、低分群)沒有顯著差異。全民英檢中級試題用來當作學生的前後測驗,經過11週的實驗後,用統計T檢定來分析資料結果。結果如下: 1. 差異化教學提升高中生英語聽力能力。 2. 差異化教學能提升學習成效並減低學習者彼此成就差距。 3. 差異化教學能提升中低學習成就的學生。 4. 聽力困難呼應了Brown提出的連音簡化、語言變化、話語多餘以及說話速度。 5. 大部分學生對差異化教學表示正向的態度。 6. 其他聽力問題包含了缺乏字彙、速度、口音以及話語多餘。 基於上述發現,相關的解釋與建議都提供給對差異化教學有興趣的老師和研究人員參考。 As we know, teachers, in the 21st century, are being asked to work with ever more broadly diverse groups of learners, and many of them are faced with a mixed-ability or heterogeneous classroom. To deal with this problem, differentiated instruction (DI) was created and it has proven to be successful in both EFL and ESL context. Besides, several studies have shown how it could be used to improve students’ learning in specific subjects such as math, music and English. However, few studies can be found about the effects of exploiting differentiated instruction on improving students’ listening comprehension ability and strengthening their motivation in empirical studies. The 74 participants in this study were two groups of 11th graders from a public high school in northern Taiwan. Both had similar background and education. They were all students in science study classes with the same English courses every week. Although the two classes could be presumptively homogeneous, a t-test was used to ensure the homogeneity of these two classes and the subgroups in both two classes. General English Proficiency Test (GEPT) served as pretest and posttest. After 11-week treatment, a t-test was used to analyze the data. The results are summarized as follows: 1. DI improved high school student’s listening comprehension ability. 2. DI improved learners’ achievement and minimized the achievement gap among learners in EFL context. 3. DI worked effectively for both low and intermediate proficiency learners. 4. The difficulties corresponded to what Brown (p. 45) proposed, such as “reduced forms,” “performance variables,” “redundancy” and “rate of delivery.” 5. Most of the participants showed positive attitude toward DI. 6. The problems they encountered while listening to the videos were lack of vocabulary, the delivery speed, accent, and redundancy Based on findings mentioned above, explanations and suggestions are provided for high school English teachers and researchers who are interested in differentiated instruction. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 英語教學碩士在職專班 102951014 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102951014 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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