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Title: | 臺北市幼兒園家長對男性幼教師在幼兒園任職角色接受度之調查研究 The study of investigation of the acceptance of male teachers’ occupational roles in kindergarten. A case study of parents of kids in kindergarten. |
Authors: | 周麗珍 Chou, Li Chen |
Contributors: | 陳木金 Chen, Mu Jin 周麗珍 Chou, Li Chen |
Keywords: | 男性幼教師 幼兒園家長 任職角色 acceptance of male teacher occupational roles in kindergarten parents of preschool kids |
Date: | 2016 |
Issue Date: | 2016-08-03 11:40:28 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在探討臺北市幼兒園家長對男性幼教師專業素養的認同度及在幼兒園任職角色的接受度。本研究採問卷調查法,問卷調查樣本以臺北市十二行政區共十五所幼兒園,含國小附設幼兒園、市立幼兒園、公辦民營幼兒園及私立幼兒園。共計抽取450位幼兒園家長,樣本回收418份,回收率為92.88%;樣本可用405份,可用率90%。研究工具包含自編之「臺北市幼兒園家長對男性幼教師專業素養與任職角色之調查研究」。本研究統計方法包含描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析、多元逐步迴歸分析。研究結果顯示家長教育程度與子女就讀幼兒園所在行政區及園所類型在家長對男性幼教師專業素養認同度、任職角色接受度及在自己子女就讀之幼兒園任職角色接受度等構面有顯著影響;子女就讀之幼兒園內是否有男性幼教師任職,會影響家長對男性幼教師在幼兒園任職的接受度。由研究結果得知,男性幼教師的專業能力是得到肯定的,但仍必須仰賴實際的接觸經驗與相關資訊的透明化,因此男性幼教師需要政府的相關協助包括獎助學金與保障就業等,方能有投入幼教環境的動機,幼兒園主管機關則必須藉由教學分享平台、教學觀摩與親師溝通平台等方式讓男性幼教師能與女性幼教師及家長密切交流,減低家長對男性幼教師的疑慮並增進對男性幼教師的肯定。本研究係以台北市為研究範圍,且僅以問卷調查評估男性幼教師的專業接受度,建議未來研究可將範圍擴大,及可採取質性訪談方式,以訪談或者開放性問卷等方式取得資料,並將研究對象擴及幼兒園管理階層與女性幼教師等層次。 The study aims to explore the identity of male kindergartens teachers professionalism and their occupational roles in respect to their acceptance by the parents of kids. This study conducts questionnaire solicitation from fifteen kindergartens in twelve districts in Taipei City. 418 sampling questionnaires were collected from a total of selective 450 parents of kindergarten kids. Among those samples 405 are used for this research study. The feedback rate is 92.88% and the available rate is 90%. The fundamental research tools include "The Survey of Professionalism and Occupational Role on Male Kindergarten Teachers by Parents of Preschool Kids in Taipei", which was originated by author. The adopted statistic methods are descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlations and multi-step regressions. The conclusion of study can be summarized as follows. The education degree of parents, the districts where kids studied and the pattern of kindergarten affect significantly in recognition of professionalism on male kindergarten teachers, acceptance of occupational role and acceptance of occupational role in the kindergartens kids studied. Besides, the male teachers are in kindergarten or not affected the acceptance of occupational role in kindergarten kids studied in. According to the results, the abilities of male teachers is approved. But the acceptance is still restricted by the experiences of parents and the information they received. Thus, the government can offer guarantee, awards and subsidy to promote male teachers; institutions of preschool teacher education and kindergartens management can create teaching platform and communication platforms, host teaching observation to promote the interaction between parents, male and female teachers. Due to the sample region restricted in Taipei, the researchers can increase the regions and choose Stratified random sampling. Besides, because other professional domains in male kindergarten teachers and the view of male teachers in female teachers are not the content in the research, they can be added in the framework in the future. The future researcher can adopt qualitative research method and increase open questionnaires for parents, and collect dynamic data. Finally, the management in kindergartens, female teachers and male teachers can be added to the object of study. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 學校行政碩士在職專班 102911017 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102911017 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [學校行政碩士在職專班] 學位論文
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