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Title: | 幼教師的文本分析與幼兒閱讀理解能力關聯之行動研究 An Action Research for the Relationship between Preschool Teachers` Textual Analysis and Children’s Reading Comprehension Abilities |
Authors: | 李婉禎 Li, Wan Chen |
Contributors: | 幸曼玲 Shing, Man Ling 李婉禎 Li, Wan Chen |
Keywords: | 閱讀理解 文本分析 reading comprehension text analysis |
Date: | 2016 |
Issue Date: | 2016-08-03 10:46:28 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 繪本中的圖像符號是幼兒閱讀理解的重要因素,但多數教師使用繪本教學時對文本內容大於圖像取向的多,忽略的圖像符號背後的意涵是幼兒往後能自主閱讀的重要因素。因此,本研究旨在探討幼教師要如何分析文本中色彩符號的意義,設計合宜且精準的問題以提升幼兒閱讀理解能力。 本研究以行動研究方式針對研究者事先分析六本黑白與彩色、暗色與亮色文本中的色彩符號,並設計此六本文本中色彩隱藏的問題,進一步在閱讀教學歷程中探討幼兒所展現的閱讀理解能力。 透過幼教師文本分析,持續提供不同文本的經驗,引導幼兒站在互文的角度解讀文本,使幼兒對文本產生自主閱讀的樂趣。幼兒閱讀理解能力共分為三個層次,越高的層次能力需建構在越低的層次中: 1.第一層次:多數幼兒提升覺察圖像的細節能力,對圖像細節有所關注形塑成有意義的故事內容,但少數認知能力較弱的幼兒需教師鷹架學習。 2.第二層次:幼兒觀察到圖像細節後,能自主產生對舊經驗不合理的疑問,亦或是能連結圖像之間關聯性,推論圖像因果關係,文本分析後教師亦能提出更精準問題強化幼兒的疑問及推論。 3.第三層次:幼兒能透過自己的語言解釋形成意義,重建圖像背後的意涵,理解圖像背後一層的意義,目前教師引導部分較多,未來期望能將閱讀學習責任轉移到幼兒,以幼兒自己本身的角度為中心去感受文學的力量。 The picture symbols in picture books are an important factor of reading comprehension in early childhood. However, most teachers emphasize the content in the picture books more than the pictures when teaching. Ignoring the meaning behind the symbol of a picture is an important factor which can affect children’s capabilities to read independently in the future. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore how the teachers can analyze the meanings behind the color symbols in picture books, and design appropriate and precise questions to enhance early childhood reading comprehension. The study is an action research, and the researcher will analyze black and white; dark and bright color symbols in advance in six texts. The researcher will also design hidden color problems to further explore the reading comprehension exhibited by children in the course of storytelling activities. The teacher’s effort allows children to find joy when reading independently by analyzing texts, providing experiences from different texts constantly and guiding children to understand the texts comprehensively. The comprehension of early childhood reading can be divided into three levels. The capabilities of higher levels are based on the capabilities of the lower levels:
1.The first level: In this level, for the majority of children, the capabilities of sensing the image details; noticing and shaping the image details into a meaningful story are enhanced in this level. However, a few children with weak cognitions need the teacher to give scaffolding instructions. 2.The second level: In this level, children can independently doubt the previous experience which is unreasonable; make connections and find the consequential relationships between images when observing the image details. Teachers can propose more precise questions which strengthens children`s capabilities of questioning and inferring after analyzing the text. 3.The third level: In this level, children can explain the formations of meanings through their own languages; rebuild and understand the meanings behind the images. Teachers guide more in this phase and it is expected that children can sense the power of literature by themselves and teachers can transfer the reading responsibilities to children in the future. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 幼兒教育所 102157003 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102157003 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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