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    Title: 面臨颱洪災害下家戶風險溝通與調適行為之研究
    A Study of Flood Disaster Risk Communication and Adaptive Behavior for Household
    Authors: 陳郁筠
    Contributors: 白仁德
    Keywords: 颱洪災害
    risk communication
    adaptive behavior
    structural equation modeling
    multinomial logistic regression
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-08-03 10:21:09 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著氣候變遷與溫室效應影響日益明顯,台灣近年發生極端強降雨颱風的次數越來越頻繁,更造成流域地區嚴重災情,而從莫拉克風災經驗可體會到家戶風險溝通的重要性,也意識到我國實務與學術上相關研究的缺乏,故本研究探討家戶風險溝通機制中各項重要因素與調適行為間的關係,以及找出影響家戶調適行為決策之關鍵因素,進而提出家戶風險溝通策略之改善建議,以促進家戶採取調適行為。
    Along with the intensification of global climate change and greenhouse effect, typhoons with extreme rainfall strike Taiwan more and more frequently, which cause severe disasters in watershed area. From the experience of Typhoon Morakot in 2009, we realized the importance of risk communication with households and also the lack of related academic research. As a result, this study aims to discuss important factors in risk communication mechanism and their relationships with adaptive behaviors. It also find out key factors influencing decision-making of adaptive behaviors.
    Based on literature review, this study build a conceptual framework of risk communication process to describe how to trigger adaptive behaviors and encourage adaptive behaviors with risk communication. This study send out questionnaires to the households in Kaoping River Watershed and use structural equation modeling(SEM) to verify the conceptual framework. Then according to attitude of positive degree, adaptive behaviors are classified into“passive or low”,“medium” and “high” levels. By multinomial logistic regression, an empirical analysis was performed to analyze the key factors influencing decision-making of adaptive behaviors.
    The results show that adaptive behaviors are affected by internal cognition and at the same time internal cognition are affected by risk communication mechanism and external environment. As for risk communication mechanism, family, friends, neighbors and local governments are crucial communication channel. Key factors influencing decision-making of adaptive behaviors are cognition of disaster and adaptive behavior. People with higher cognition of disaster and adaptive behavior would more likely to take positive adaptive behaviors. Besides, community they lived in is also a key factor. Because the interaction of environments, risk communication patterns and socioeconomic attributes, people from different communities would take different adaptive behaviors. Based on empirical results, this study propose suggestions of risk communication strategies in order to better the risk communication mechanism and encourage households to take adaptive behaviors.
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