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Title: | 護理人員情緒勞動之研究 A Study of the Emotional Labour of Nursing |
Authors: | 陳琪潔 Chen, Chi Chieh |
Contributors: | 劉梅君 陳琪潔 Chen, Chi Chieh |
Keywords: | 情緒勞動 護理人員 性別角色 刻板印象 勞動條件 emotional labour nurses gender role stereotypes working conditions |
Date: | 2016 |
Issue Date: | 2016-08-03 10:19:43 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 護理人員是國內外諸多研究關注的對象,而針對護理人員工作環境的相關研究,著重的重點通常聚焦在仍有極大改進空間的勞動條件,然而護理人員在工作上,除了提供專業且安全的醫療照護之外,同時也在進行著情緒勞動,不僅是量化研究,質化研究也相當值得重視,然而相較於國外,國內針對護理人員情緒勞動的研究,大部分為文獻研究與量化研究,質化研究則較少見。 因此本研究藉由訪談的方式,探討護理人員的情緒勞動,本研究發現:一、護理人員的情緒勞動的形塑受到學校教育、組織的情緒規範、與病患的實際互動狀況等諸多因素影響;二、護理人員對本身工作的認同與大眾的刻板印象之間的落差,以及惡劣的勞動條件則是造成情緒負荷的最大原因;三、情緒勞動帶來的負荷超載時,對於護理人員自身、醫療品質、醫院經營皆有負面影響。 最後本研究對於改善護理人員的情緒勞動處境提出幾點建議:(一)從學校教育開始正視情緒勞動(二)改變社會大眾對護理人員的刻板印象,包括從性別角度著手以及強化護理人員的專業形象(三)從護理人員的情緒勞動中得到諸多利益的院方,應負起相對的責任,包括改善情緒勞動的管理方式、持續改善勞動環境以及提供符合需求的實質支援。若能改善護理人員的護理勞動處境,對於護理人員、醫療品質及醫療院所的經營,都將有所助益。 There has been much research about nursing, but most studies are focus on the nurses’ working conditions. However, in addition to providing professional and safe medical care, emotional labour is also a indispensable part of nursing, but compared with quantitative research,the qualitative research of the emotional labour of nursing in Taiwan are still relatively rare. The aim of this thesis is to investigate the emotional of nursing by interview. The conclusion in this study included three parts: 1. The formation process of the emotional labour of nursing is affected by the nursing education in school, the emotion regulations in organization, and the interaction with patients. 2. The gap between nurses’ job identification and common nursing stereotypes, and the poor working conditions are main causes of the emotional burden of nurses. 3.The work overload on emotional labour has negative impact on nurses themselves, medical quality, and hospital management. To improve the situation of emotional labour of nursing, the recommendations of this study are 1. In the nursing education, teach nursing students to take the emotional labour of seriously. 2. Transform the common stereotypes of nursing by reducing the gender images and strengthening the professional image of nursing. 3. Hospitals should take the relative responsibility when they take the profit. The possible solutions include changing the management of emotional labour, improving the working conditions continuously, and providing appropriate and effective support. The improvement of the situation of emotional labour of nursing will bring advantages to nurses, medical quality and hospital management. |
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