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    Title: 華語繪本研究與教學-以華語成人學習者為例
    Research in Picture Books for Adults in Learning Chinese as a Second Language
    Authors: 石伊婷
    Shih, Yi Ting
    Contributors: 陳麗宇
    Chen, Li Yu
    Shih, Yi Ting
    Keywords: 繪本教學
    Picture book
    Teaching Chinese as a second language
    Six’s T Approach
    Instructional design
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-08-03 10:12:16 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 學習語言主要目的為「溝通」及「運用」,如何使學習者習得更貼近母語者的應答習慣是教學者所關心的。研究顯示「圖像」不但可以幫助學習者在閱讀的過程中理解內容,進而延伸思考、融會貫通,更可以激發自我語言表達能力。然而台灣目前使用繪本於教學主要的對象為華裔青年或新移民配偶及其子女為主。因此,本文主要探討如何運用華語繪本於海外成人華語課程。本研究透過大量的文獻回顧探討中英教學中的繪本教學發展、教學理論與教學法、第二語言學習教材與挑選繪本評量標準,以此建立本文之理論架構,同時依據此架構規劃教學設計並執行。除此之外,也根據第二語言教學理論及挑選繪本之標準,建立一套運用於華語課程的繪本選取與評定原則。研究結果顯示繪本運用於成人華語課堂中不僅可以使得課程更加多元化,更可以透過不同的教學素材來延伸教學活動。研究者亦由6T教學法中讓學習者根據6T各項目進行回饋。回饋結果除了在任務及思緒的部分仍需要修正之外,整體來說,學生對於繪本運用於語言課堂有非常正面的看法。然而受到繪本文本詞彙之限制,較多的繪本是適合中級程度以上的學生使用。本研究一共分析了26本繪本,共得出26個主題,主題則以友情、成長、夢想、創意居多。最後參考了許多學術論述之後,制訂了繪本選取評定標準,評定表共分成教學、心理及藝術三個層面來說明,最後共得出50項標準供學界參考。研究者亦於文末提出了未來使用繪本於教學之研究建議。
    The main purpose of learning the language is to communicate and to use it. Therefore, language teacher concern more on how assisting the learners to use the language according to the native speaker’s habits. Research shows that ‘Picture’ can help to improve learner’s ability to understand the content while reading, which can trigger further critical thinking and ultimately mastering the ability to develop their own learning process. However, the use of picture books for teaching Chinese especially in Taiwan nowadays are limited only to the class of overseas Chinese learners, foreign spouses and their children. Hence, the main purpose of this research will be discussing on how to apply the picture book in adult Chinese language course abroad. The method of this research is based on a great amount of literature review on both teaching Chinese and English language using picture books, teaching method theory and pedagogy, second language acquisition material evaluation and criteria on selecting picture book. Afterthen through this framework, the author has planned and implemented the lesson on using picture book in language course. Besides, this research also intend to create an evaluation framework on how to select picture book in Chinese as a second language course. The result has shown using picture book in the adult Chinese language course can create more diverse classroom activates by applying different teaching materials in the class. The author has also conducted an after-class survey to understand learner’s learning condition. Overall, picture book as a class material receives a very positive feedback. Under the vocabulary restriction from the picture book, a lot of picture book is more suitable for intermediate level students only. Apart from above mentioned, this research also analyzed in total 26 picture books, and received 26 themes. The themes include friendship, growth, dream and creativity. Also this research has drawn up the framework of selecting the picture book for Chinese language learning class. This framework achieved in total 47 entries with three aspects, teaching, psychology and artistry. At the end of the research, there’s also suggestion for the further studies.
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