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Title: | 高階健康檢查事業服務能力成熟度之衡量:模式建立、構念驗證與資訊科技應用 Measuring Service Capability Maturity Level for Advanced Health Checkup Businesses: Model Building, Construct Validation and IT Application |
Authors: | 張芳凱 Chang, Fang Kai |
Contributors: | 李有仁 Li, Eldon Y. 張芳凱 Chang, Fang Kai |
Keywords: | 高階健康檢查服務流程模式 服務流程再造 服務能力等級 服務成熟等級 資訊科技應用 advanced health checkup service process model service process reengineering service capability level service maturity level IT application. |
Date: | 2016 |
Issue Date: | 2016-08-02 17:02:40 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 長久以來,企業核心競爭能力早已被公認是企業獲利以及維繫的驅動者,對於服務業當然也不例外。為了有效生存於現今惡劣的商業環境,服務業必須維護其服務能力之成熟度,以使用者為服務的核心,並以消費者的需求為服務的出發點。唯有以客戶為本,才能使企業永續經營,故台灣服務業若要加入國際市場營運,企業服務能力將扮演一個相當重要的角色。
本研究之結果,定義了高階健康檢查事業服務能力等級與成熟等級之表述方式,主動性的給予被評鑑機構一個品質提升的建議與參考的軌跡。本研究設計一套『高階健康檢查事業服務能力成熟度之自我評鑑與改善建議系統』,協助高階健康檢查事業自我評量服務成熟等級,並提供透過資訊科技應用來提升等級的建議。透過階段性的資訊科技應用採納,可妥善配置資訊科技採納進程並編製預算執行順序,來強化醫療照護服務的能力成熟度等級。 Core competitiveness of enterprise has long been recognized as the driver of profits and sustainability of a business. Service industry is certainly in no exception. In order to effectively survive in today`s harsh business environment, services business must maintain its maturity of service capabilities, treat consumer as the core of the services and serve the consumer need as the basic of services. Such consumer-oriented strategy is the key to ensure the long term prosperity of business. It is also essential to Taiwan`s service industry for her successful operations in international market.
With the extended human lifespan, as well as the rise of the middle class with concern about personal health, health checkup service has become a new national sport. In order to serve customers, who have health-conscious mind and favorable financial affordability, hospitals in Taiwan provide specialized clinics and health management centers. They offer soothing lights and good atmosphere as well as healthy meals and friendly services. Such reformation in health checkup business has seen vigorous market growth and received significant investment on both medical equipment and interior remodeling of examination facility.
This study suggests that in order to achieve a higher quality of advanced health checkup service, adequate business process reengineering should be carried out as per need. With constantly improving processes, the service unit would be able to respond and fulfill the customer needs, increase the customer service capacity of the enterprise, and continue to improve service quality. Therefore, this study adapts service business process model as research framework and chooses advanced health checkup business as the research subject. The main research questions are divided into three parts: first is developing a service capability evaluation model for advanced health checkup business; second is editing descriptions of process areas in line with practical terms; third is providing a roadmap of advanced health checkup business to improve their service quality.
Results of this study helps to define the capability level representations and maturity level representations for advanced health checkup business. It could proactively provide suggestions to and also be adopted as a reference roadmap for service quality improvement by the evaluated companies. This study also implements a “self-evaluation and improvement recommendation system for advanced health checkup service capability maturity level”, which assists advanced health checkup business to self-assess the maturity level of service capability, and provide recommendations to enhance the level through IT applications. Through the stage-wise IT application adoption, it could properly arrange IT adoption schedule, prepare budget execution order and strengthen the maturity level of health care services capability. |
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