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    题名: 品牌自我概念一致性類型對於品牌態度與品牌情感依附的影響—時尚產業位階的干擾效果
    The Impact of Brand Self-Congruence on Brand Attitude and Emotional Brand Attachment: The Moderating Effect of Fashion Hierarchy
    作者: 王瑾容
    WANG, Chin-Jung
    贡献者: 邱志聖 
    WANG, Chin-Jung
    关键词: 品牌個性
    Brand Personality
    Brand Attitude
    Emotional Brand Attachment
    日期: 2016
    上传时间: 2016-08-02 15:51:16 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 行銷上,我們可以看到有許多品牌透過與消費者建立關係,來創造其與消費者之間更緊密的連結。這種策略的其中一種做法,便是為品牌塑造一種個性,使品牌與消費者之間建立關聯。而品牌個性的概念乃是基於消費者對於品牌的知覺,將人類的性格與特質加諸在該品牌上。消費者傾向透過在品牌當中尋求自我表達的功能,因此如果個人能夠認同該品牌,將會經驗較高程度的自我概念一致性,從而正向影響他對該品牌在理性和感性上的評估。
    本項研究實驗採用情境故事法進行,並以2(人物個性:真實外向理想內向、真實內向理想外向)x 2(品牌個性:外向、內向)x 2(時尚產業位階:傳統精品、快速時尚)的二因子實驗設計,將實驗總共分成八組。
    In today’s marketing world, it is commonly seen that certain brands are trying to build up relationships with their consumers in order to create a stronger connection with them. Among the many tactics of this strategy is to match the brand’s personality with that of the consumers’, in turn generating a linkage in between. The concept of brand personality is to have the brand endowed with a personality which is usually found in humans. A consumer tends to seek and pursue within the brand the function of self-expression, since if a consumer can identify with the brand, he will experience a higher level of self-congruence, which then leads to positive impacts on his perception and evaluation of that same brand.
    The conspicuousness of apparels in the fashion industry implies the fact that consumers use these products as a means to express their self-images and personality traits. Therefore, brand self-congruence plays an important role in the marketing of such an industry. Nevertheless, since characteristics vary greatly within the fashion industry due to the existing hierarchy among brands, there remains the question whether a fashion brand should create a personality to fit the actual or ideal self-congruence of its target audience to successfully generate better brand attitude and even form stronger relationships as emotional brand attachment.
    The objective of this study is accordingly to analyze whether the application of actual and ideal self-congruence differs within the fashion industry. The study first reviews previous literatures related to the topic to understand the progress having been made to date, and researches on the topic of types of self-congruence, the fashion industry, and the predictors of consumer evaluation of brands. The study then moves on to setting the conceptual framework, where scenarios were designed to understand the application of actual and ideal self-congruence of luxury fashion and fast fashion.
    The study adopts a scenario approach to manipulate self-congruence, and has a 2 (personality of the person: actually extrovert-ideally introvert vs. actually introvert-ideally extravert) x 2 (brand personality: extravert vs. introvert) x 2 (fashion industry: luxury fashion vs. fast fashion) between-subjects full factorial design, generating eight experimental conditions.
    The study found no significant difference between luxury and fast fashion in terms of the application of two self-congruence types. In contrast, a generally better influence is seen for the actual self-congruence in generating consumer emotional brand attachment.
    Therefore, the study attempted to suggest that actual self-congruence should be used to build brand personality both for luxury fashion and fast fashion through expressing and performing consumers’ authentic self and value, so as to successfully increase emotional brand attachment which in turn deepens the psychological connection.
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