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    Title: 依附品質對高中職青少年身體意象與自尊的影響
    The impact of attachment on the body image and self-esteem of high school teenagers
    Authors: 巫宜靜
    Wu, Yi Ching
    Contributors: 李宗芹

    Wu, Yi Ching
    Keywords: 依附品質
    attachment quality
    body image
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-07-21 10:49:18 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 研究目的:本研究旨在探究高中職青少年依附品質對身體意象與自尊的影響。



    Purpose: This study was to explore how one’s attachment quality influences his/her body image and self-esteem.

    Method: The participants included 344 male and 396 female students from 5 different senior high schools in Taiwan. The ECR-RS scale, MBSRQ and Rosenberg self-esteem scale were used to collect the attachment quality, body image and self-esteem.

    Result: The result indicated that firstly, the attachment quality of senior high school students varied significantly when it comes to different genders, school properties and grades. Secondly, the body image of the participants also showed notably dissimilarity in different genders, school properties, BMIs and grades. Lastly, gender differences were also noted when it comes to the levels of one’s self-esteem. The results of hierarchical regression analysis and path analysis supported the research assumption that body image mediated the attachment quality and self-esteem. Anxious attachment would show higher relevance to one’s body dissatisfaction as well as higher appearance orientation; while avoidant attachment would only suggest positive correlation with body dissatisfaction but lower appearance orientation.
    The results of this study also showed that how much one’s level of body satisfaction as well as the level of his/her appearance-orientation can also influence his/her self-esteem. Self-esteem decreased much relevantly with one’s level of body satisfaction while those with higher appearance-orientation also showed some increased level of self-esteem. However, body satisfaction, overall, was found to show greater influence on one’s level of self-esteem than the appearance-orientation.
    Hence, on the one hand, the individuals with avoidant attachment style tended to be dissatisfied with their body and to also become less appearance-orientated. This tendency decreased their self-esteem indirectly. One the other hand, even though the ones with anxious attachment style showed decreased self-esteem due to their body dissatisfaction, however, their appearance-oriented behavior somewhat helped increase the level of their self-esteem to a certain degree.
    In conclusion, to increase the level of secure attachment among adolescents help increase the level of their self-esteem while decreasing the feeling of their body dissatisfaction.
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