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Title: | 法籍創業家在台灣創業之動機 Motivations of French entrepreneurs to start a business in Taiwan |
Authors: | 方若蜜 Fontaine, Romy |
Contributors: | 何小台 Ho, Chester 方若蜜 Fontaine, Romy |
Keywords: | French entrepreneurs motivations entrepreneurship startup Taiwan 法國企業家 動機 企業家精神 新創公司 台灣 |
Date: | 2016 |
Issue Date: | 2016-07-20 17:47:43 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | This paper investigates French entrepreneurs’ motivations to start a business in Taiwan as well as what they find most satisfying and challenging in the process. The data used for the research was collected from interviews of 11 French entrepreneurs and 4 foreign entrepreneurs. The results show that there are two groups of French entrepreneurs: those who came to Taiwan with the intention of starting a business and those who were already in Taiwan before starting a business. The key findings are the following: even if the two groups have different personal motivations to first come to Taiwan, on average, French start a business in Taiwan because of the business opportunities of the country. Indeed, most of them started a business in a niche market. The analysis shows that French and foreigners have the same motivations to start a business in Taiwan. French entrepreneurs are satisfied about the rapidity of business creation and the help received from many people. They also acknowledge the growing startup community but highlight that there are still a lot to be done in order to improve the foreign startup ecosystem. 1. Introduction 1
2. Literature review 2
2.1 Entrepreneurship definitions 2
2.2 Entrepreneurs’ motivations 2
2.2.1 Entrepreneurs’ motivations in the world 2
2.2.2 French Entrepreneurs’ motivations 3
2.3 Starting a business in Taiwan 4
2.3.1 Presentation of Taiwan 4
2.3.2 Taiwan entrepreneur visa and work permits 4
2.3.3 How to start a business in Taiwan 5
2.4 Taiwan Startup ecosystem 6
2.4.1 Funding and help 7
2.4.2 Vibrant entrepreneurs community 9
2.4.3 French entrepreneurs community in Taiwan 11
3. Methodology 13
3.1 Qualitative research 13
3.1.1 Data collection 13
3.1.2 Panel presentation 15
3.1.3 Data analysis 17
3.2 Quantitative research 18
3.2.1 Data collection 18
3.2.2 Panel presentation 19
3.2.3 Data analysis 20
4. Results 21
4.1 Foreigners motivations to start a business in Taiwan 21
4.1.1 Presentation of the interviewees 21
4.1.2 Foreigners’ motivations 22
4.2 French motivations to start a business in Taiwan 24
4.2.1 Presentation of the interviewees 24
4.2.2 French motivations 26
4.3 Satisfactory and challenging aspects to start a business in Taiwan 36
4.3.1 What is satisfying in opening a business in Taiwan, as a foreign entrepreneur? 36
4.3.2 What is challenging in opening a business in Taiwan, as a foreign entrepreneur? 39
5. Conclusion 43
5.1 Conclusion 43
5.2 Limitations 44
5.3 Further research 44
Reference 46
Appendix 50
Appendix A: Interview Guide 1 50
Appendix B: Interview Guide 2 51
Appendix C: Interview of Andy Dickinson, Runivore 52
Appendix D: Interview of Elias Ek, Enspyre 66
Appendix E: Written interview of Simon Thomas, Dachi Tea Co 82
Appendix F: Written interview of Richard deVries, Geber Consulting 85
Appendix G: Written Interview of Fabien Vergé, La Cocotte 87
Appendix H: Interview of Jordan Vannitsen, Odysseus 90
Appendix I: Interview of Julien Labarchède, Chez Bix 98
Appendix J: Interview of Franck Delattre, Le Vin Café 103
Appendix K: Interview of Thomas Espejo, 8AM Studio 107
Appendix L: Interview of Florian Philippe, 8AM Studio 112
Appendix M: Interview of Olivier Pierini, O’Rose 116
Appendix N: Written interview of Florent Rodriguez, Le Flam 120
Appendix O: Interview of Momday Dok, Kaneoh 124
Appendix P: Interview of Pierre Guyon, Le Panier de Paris 129
Appendix Q: Written interview of Franck Thery, La Petite Parisienne 134
Appendix R: Questionnaire responses 136
Appendix S: Analysis of quantitative results 147 |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 國際經營管理英語碩士學位學程(IMBA) 104933065 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104933065 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [國際經營管理英語碩士學程IMBA] 學位論文
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