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Title: | 3D列印應用及通路行銷策略 3D printing applications and channel marketing strategy |
Authors: | 林永瑞 Lin, Yung-Jui |
Contributors: | 季延平 Jeffery Y. P. Chi 林永瑞 Yung-Jui Lin |
Keywords: | 3D列印 通路行銷策略 通路代理商 3D Printing Channel Marketing Strategy Distributor |
Date: | 2016 |
Issue Date: | 2016-07-20 17:30:36 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 3D列印應用與發展可說是日新月異,已無法用過去的經驗或邏輯來想像其未來的發展,自從2013年美國歐巴馬總統的大力鼓勵下,3D列印飛快的演進及變化,各種創新的變革不斷推陳出新,不管是品牌、印表機、材料、產業應用一再突破與翻轉,簡直讓人瞠目結舌。 未來是要如何發展將不可定論,且無限可能,單獨在硬體及實體材料的用量趨勢已是有目共睹,只是相對量化之後獲利能力必然逐漸變少,若將應用及相關措施做整合,使硬體、材料、軟體再加上實體與O2O平台,將值得研究與創造市場的機會。 本研究列出主要十大3D列印技術,舉凡食衣住行育樂、軍、醫、機器人,諸多應用等,以3D列印之市場特質,少量多樣化、簡化製程、不需先開模、降低投資風險,具客製化優勢下,以資訊配銷商利基點,就其商業做分析,在現有實體配銷機制,創立設計師、輸出服務、圖庫三個O2O平台,應用Crowdsourcing 網絡進行推展,除實體配銷外,再建立新的營運模式,創造互利多贏。 資訊配銷商長期處在「毛三到四」微利時代,備受挑戰,在既有的市場不易成長下有必要找尋新的突破,評估另類新創做法,以保有既有核心又能開創新局,本研究在於綜合3D列印應用與導入配銷通路新策略,期許也能應用到其他的產品市場,一同拋開微利,走出新路。 We can say that, the applications and the development of 3D printing is changing with each passing day. 3D printing has been rapid evolution and changed by the vigorously promote of American president Barack Obama since 2013, all kind of innovative changes is continue to be published. Brands, printers, materials and industrial applications have continued breakthrough, this achievement is really amazing for all of us. We can’t limit and predict the future of this technology. The trend of using hardware and entities material was substantial growth, but the profit must be gradually decreased after relative quantification. If we integrate the hardware, material, software, entities platform and O2O platform, we would get opportunity to research and build a new market. This research listed ten of the main applications of 3D printing, it contains their lifestyles, recreations, army, medical and robot, etc. The characteristics of the markets of 3D printing is included that, small amount of diversity, simplified production, reduce investment risks, customized advantage and without mold cost. Base on distributor niche points interest to analyze the business model of this industry. Under the existing entities distribution mechanism, setup three O2O platforms just like designer, output service center, gallery and used crowdsourcing internet to promote these platforms, innovative business model, create win-win. Distributor of computer margin is low to except, it’s really a challenge to the industry. The emphasis of this research is integrated 3D printer applications and introducing new distribution channels strategy, we hope this study can be used to others industry market, together out of this meager profit age. |
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