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Title: | 台灣壽險業投資外幣計價國際債券之風險評估 Risk Assessment of International Bond Investment in Taiwan Life Insurance Industry |
Authors: | 吳倬瑋 Wu, Juo Wei |
Contributors: | 張士傑 Chang, Shih Chieh 吳倬瑋 Wu, Juo Wei |
Keywords: | 30年期公債 國際債券 可贖回 贖回選擇權 贖回風險 Taiwan 30-year government bond international bond callable call option call risk |
Date: | 2016 |
Issue Date: | 2016-07-20 17:17:58 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 2014年保險法第146條之4修正,增列保險業依保險法規定投資於國內證券市場上市或上櫃買賣之外幣計價股權或債券憑證之投資金額,可不計入其國外投資限額。本研究探討台灣壽險業投資外幣計價國際債券不納入國外投資限額對於台幣公債市場籌資之影響,並分析壽險業投資國際債券之贖回風險。 主要研究結果發現:(1)開放投資國際債券後,壽險業資金運用增加國外投資,但減持公債及國庫券。依據統計分析,顯示壽險業資金運用於國外投資佔比大幅增加時,除專案運用及公共投資外,其餘項目之佔比皆減少。其中台灣公債及國庫券佔比與國外投資佔比呈高度負相關。(2)壽險業對公債需求程度影響國庫籌資之成本,需求程度越低,國庫長天期籌資成本越高。透過複迴歸模型分析發現,壽險持券比(即壽險業持有公債餘額佔公債未償還餘額比例)越低,30年期公債殖利率越高。 透過本文模型,投資國際債券時,應考量可贖回國際債券相對公債之加碼、閉鎖期、國際債券再度發行之可能性與未來市場利率可能走低之幅度。以投資30年期債券為例,當可贖回國際債券相對公債之加碼減少,閉鎖期縮短,利率走跌幅度增加時,贖回風險將增加。因可贖回國際債券之高利率僅為收益率錯覺,利率走低時之贖回風險將抵銷此高利率。依據2014年至2016年債券市場資訊,本文模型評估投資人提前贖回風險為52.45bps。 The 2014 amendment of Article 146-4 of Insurance Act extending the overseas investment ceiling to the value for foreign currency denominated listed or over-the-counter certificates of domestic stocks or bonds that are invested in by insurance enterprises in accordance with provisions of Insurance Act. This paper investigates the impact of funding in Taiwan government bond market under the overseas investment ceiling with the exclusion of international bonds investment in Taiwan life insurance industry, and analyzes the call risk of international bonds. The main results show that: (1)After the 2014 amendment of Article 146-4 of Insurance Act, foreign investments are increasing, while government bonds holdings are decreasing in investment portfolio of life insurance industry. Based on statistical analysis, as the ratio of foreign investments surging, only the ratio of authorized projects or public investment is increasing, others are falling. Especially, the ratio of government bonds and that of foreign investment are strongly negative correlation. (2) Demand of government bond of life insurance industry has impact on the funding cost of Taiwan government. The lower the demand, the higher the funding cost. Through multiple regression model, the result shows, the lower the bond holding ratio of life insurance industry, the higher the yield of Taiwan 30-year government bonds. According to the model in this paper, spread between callable international bond and government bond, lock-up period, the probability of re-issuance in international bond market, and the downtrend of interest rate should be all considered when investing in international bonds. The high yield of callable international bond is yield illusion to investors,since is largely offset by call risk. According to the model with bond market data between 2014 to 2016, the assessment of call risk is 52.45bps. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 風險管理與保險研究所 100358026 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1003580261 |
Data Type: | thesis |
Appears in Collections: | [風險管理與保險學系] 學位論文
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