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Title: | 從價值共創探討創業競賽之經營 — 以TiC100 創業競賽為例 On the Management of the Startups Competition in terms of the Value Co-‐Creation: A Case Study of TiC100 |
Authors: | 黃泓帝巨 Huang, Hung Lung |
Contributors: | 張瑜倩 Chang, Yu Chien 黃泓帝巨 Huang, Hung Lung |
Keywords: | 創業競賽 創業精神 價值共創 TiC100 創業競賽 start-up competition entrepreneurship value-cocreation TiC100 |
Date: | 2015 |
Issue Date: | 2016-07-11 17:50:33 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 為了培養青年之創業技能,國內許多大專院校以及民間企業組織推行創業教育相關課程,包含課程講授、個案教學以及創業競賽,其中創業競賽是三者中最能夠讓學生實際體驗創業之過程,且在我國發展已有十多年之歷史。而近來創業議題再度受到產官學界廣泛之注意,在此研究背景下,本研究希望能探究創業競賽在台灣舉辦之情形,並了解透過創業競賽,各個參與競賽之利害關係人共同創造並獲取了哪些價值。基於創業競賽之代表性,本研究選擇TiC100創業競賽為研究個案,研究問題為「參與TiC100創業競賽之各個利害關係人,如何透過競賽進行價值之共創,進而讓創業競賽價值最大化」。 本研究選定質性研究作為研究方法,透過文獻分析法、個案研究法以及深度訪談進行資料搜集。個案選擇則以國內具有高知名度、持續舉辦17年並以創業競賽為活動主軸之TiC100創業競賽為研究對象,透過了解參與創業競賽之利害關係人互動模式,分析各個利害關係人如何透過TiC100創業競賽進行價值共創。 本研究發現了參與TiC100創業競賽之各個利害關係人透過參與活動所獲取之價值;並瞭解到各個利害關係人之互動模式不僅僅是單純的雙向互動,而是網狀式的多元互動,例如主辦單位與協辦單位之決策除了影響後續雙方之互動,另外也會影響到競賽團隊最後之成果產出;最後,本研究也發現了TiC100創業競賽透過各個利害關係人之多元互動,將此競賽塑造成為了一個價值共創之平台。 In order to cultivate and develop young generation’s capability to start their own business, a number of entrepreneurship events, such as lecturing, case study, and start-up competition, have been organized by colleges and private organizations. Among these events, start-up competition, which allows students to have hands-on experiences, has been held for more than a decade. In particular, start-up competition becomes popular in Taiwan recently. This research designs to uncover the effectiveness of the start-up competitions and how the values are created among all stakeholders. TiC100 was selected as the case due to its representative and reputation. This research employed qualitative research methods including literature review, case study and face-to-face semi-structured interviews with TiC100’s stakeholders. The research findings are summarized as follows. Firstly, each stakeholder has obtained different values from the competition. Secondly, this research investigated that TiC 100’s stakeholders interacted in a dynamic network that was formed in the competition, rather than two-way communication type. For example, the decisions made by competition organizer and their partners were not only affected the following interaction, but also affected the outcomes of competition contestants. Lastly, through different interaction among all stakeholders, this start-up competition became a platform for values co-creation. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理與智慧財產研究所 102364137 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102364137 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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