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    Title: 巨量資料生態:以模因學分析網路文本的進化
    The Ecology of Big Data: A Memetic Approach on the Evolution of Online Text
    Authors: 柯政豪
    Ke, Cheng Hao
    Contributors: 蕭乃沂
    Hsiao, Naiyi
    Ke, Cheng Hao
    Keywords: 文字探勘
    Text Mining
    Big Data
    Darwinian Evolution
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-07-11 17:43:20 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 公共行政學正面臨理論與方法無法結合的挑戰,這個問題在巨量資料的時代更是明顯,因為與人脫離的網路文本資料無法透過傳統的理論架構來解釋與分析,如果不引進新的本體論與認識論,公共行政學將遭遇無法深入分析巨量文本資料的困境。近代達爾文進化論因為透過複製者角度解釋自然界現象,所以能夠脫離以個別生物為核心的觀點,解釋過去無法分析的行為與動機。以進化論為基礎的模因學將社會文化的變化視為一種進化的過程,認為社會文化界的變化可以透過模因這種複製單位的進化來解釋,模因的觀點因為脫離以人為核心的角度,所以能夠解釋無法和使用者結合的網路文本資料。
    The mismatch between theory and method is a crisis which the discipline of public administration cannot afford to ignore. The arrival of the “Era of Big Data”, only serves to make matters worse. As data becomes uncoupled with the individual, so goes any pretense of trying to provide analyses beyond that of mere description. If public administration refuses to import new ontology and epistemology, then very little could be gained from online text research. The Darwinian theory of evolution, ever since the Modern Synthesis, has embraced the replicator centered point of view when explaining all living phenomena. This has unshackled the theory from limitations of the traditional individual centered view of evolution. Memetics is a recent offshoot of the theory of evolution. It views social cultural change as a process based on the evolution of a cultural unit of selection, the meme. Due to memetics’ ability to explain social cultural evolution from the meme’s point of view, it is a natural candidate to examine the dynamics of “big” online text data.
    The first part of this research is on the construction of an online text analysis framework, with testable hypotheses, through the integration of past literature on evolution, social cultural evolution, memetics and ecology. The second part is concerned with the testing of the framework with empirical data. The text corpus used in this research contains 1,761 news reports from the Yahoo! News website on the issue of high school curriculum change. Chinese term segmentation and text clustering algorithms were applied to the corpus, in order to extract text quasi-species composed of similar memes. Statistical tests were then used to determine the influence of text characteristics and temporal distribution dynamics on the population of quasi-species. Findings indicate that the population dynamics of text quasi-species were influenced by density dependence. Text characteristics, such as word length and sentiment, also exert significant influence on the number of comments that each text receives. However, these influences are not equal under different density conditions. The location of the news articles within the website also creates a difference in the number of comments received. Finally, interactions between the temporal distribution of different quasi-species and between quasi-species and term groups also yielded significant positive and negative correlations.
    The results are proof that memetics is an ideal theoretical platform to connect theory with text mining/analysis methods. It allows for a theory based approach and the creation of testable hypotheses. Frameworks and methods based on evolution and ecological research are also applicable under memetics. The empirical findings point to the importance of monitoring the temporal distribution of online text, and the significance of text characteristics and website environments to text population changes. The results also illustrate the importance of term groups in the influence of text population dynamics. Together these variables and effects are all central to the understanding of the change in online text and comment numbers, and the effect of past text population on current population changes. Online texts from different websites should also be analyzed separately.
    This research recommends that future public administration big data analyses should continue to adopt the memetic approach. Nevertheless, attention should be given to the strengths and weaknesses of different text mining algorithms and density dependence tests. Big data time series from different websites and with longer temporal spans should also be considered, while social cultural artifacts other than texts should not be excluded from memetics based researches. New frameworks must also be constructed to integrate and understand, the interaction between important variables, such as, text characteristics and environmental influences. Findings on all forms of online data would also be enhanced through comparisons with results from questionnaires designed with memetics in mind.
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