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Title: | 能力建構角色在台灣與菲律賓經濟發展援助之比較研究 Comparative Study on the Role of Capacity Building in Economic Growth from Foreign Aid between Taiwan and the Philippines |
Authors: | 李恩婕 Riofrio, Angelica Sarah Chua |
Contributors: | 李栢浡 Lee, Pai Po 李恩婕 Angelica Sarah Chua Riofrio |
Keywords: | 能力建構 發展 菲律賓 台灣 Capacity Building Development Philippines Taiwan |
Date: | 2016 |
Issue Date: | 2016-07-01 16:08:58 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 過去幾十年,台灣的經濟發展為最著名的紀錄之一。而值得注意的是,台灣從貧困的農業社會進步到富足的工業國家間快速且持續的成長造就了龐大的中產階級與公平的所得分配。另一方面,近幾年來,菲律賓穩定地成長為亞洲的一經濟力量。本文旨在探討台灣如何追求和實行「中國農村復興聯合委員會(農復會)」所強調的能力建構,並將之與目前為菲律賓經濟藍圖的《2011-2016年發展計畫(Development Plan 2011-2016)》相比較。在美國外援下,為了戰後台灣農村的重建而成立農復會。在復甦農業的同時,農復會亦間接地促進人力資源的發展與大量資本在研究與創新方面的投入,使得台灣得以從農業國家轉型為工業國家。為更加了解這些計畫,本文訪談台灣與菲律賓相關組織中直接參與計畫的領域專家。在總統大選結果出爐後,菲律賓面臨新領導人上任後可能改變的施政優先順序;藉此機會,本文企盼能夠向已知為發展台灣重要因素的特定計畫與政策學習,以供未來可能應用於菲律賓的參考。 For the past several decades, Taiwan has experienced one of the most notable records of economic development. Its evolution from an impoverished agricultural society into a flourishing industrial country characterized by rapid and sustained growth brought about a strong middle class and equitable distribution of income has been noteworthy. On the other hand, the Philippines has steadily been making progress in becoming an economic force in Asia in the past years. This paper will look into how Taiwan pursued and underwent capacity building initiatives as highlighted in the Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction in comparison to the Philippines’ Development Plan 2011-2016 which is currently used as an economic blueprint for the country. Funded by foreign aid from the United States, JCRR was established to focus on rural reconstruction of post-war Taiwan. In the process of rehabilitating the agricultural sector, it has also indirectly facilitated the development of its human resources and poured substantial capital on research and innovation which enabled it to transform from an agricultural to an industrial country. Interviews of subject-matter experts directly involved in the institutions driving these initiatives have also been conducted to further understand the initiatives. With the recently concluded Presidential elections in the Philippines, the country is facing a new leadership with its own set of priorities to tackle. With this opportunity, it is the intention of this paper to be able to learn specific initiatives and policies that have proven to be vital factors in the development of Taiwan for possible application to the Philippines. |
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