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    Title: 「姓名尋訪活動」融入漢字教學之行動研究 -- 以馬來西亞吉隆坡坤成中學初中一年級學生為例 --
    Incorporation of “Look up my name” activity in Chinese character pedagogy, An action research base on junior one students from Kuen Cheng High School in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
    Authors: 傅敏倪
    Foo, Mun Yee
    Contributors: 宋韻珊
    Foo, Mun Yee
    Keywords: 姓名
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-07-01 15:15:18 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 姓名是中華文化的一個重要組成部分,在語言文字形式的背後,姓名蘊涵著豐富的文化內涵,是中華民族社會心理、審美情趣、價值觀念、思維方式等的綜合反映。通過探究姓名,可以成为對學生弘揚中華民族優秀文化的一個章節。



    一. 學生方面:提升了漢字學習的效率,從合作學習中獲得學習的樂趣,體會家族長輩的愛護,建立正面積極的價值觀,培養熱愛漢字的情感。
    二. 教師方面:加強文字學的基本素養,提升教師個人專業成長,引發文言文教學的省思,成為中華文化的傳播者

    The name of a person is an important part of Chinese culture. Despite the denotation the Chinese characters of a person’s name, it also implies a rich cultural connotation, such as the comprehensive Chinese social psychological, aesthetic appeal, values and ways of thinking. Through exploring their name, students could learn to promote the Chinese culture.

    Chinese name composed a few characters. By recognizing the characters of their name, children could understand the original meaning and the evolution of those characters, appreciate the ethnic features, and which in turn build up their sense of cultural identity. The objective of teaching Chinese characters in high school is to foster students’ ability in mastering the Chinese characters comprehensively. To achieve this objectives, a Malaysia Chinese middle school teacher has designed an activities, namely “Look up my name”. By exploring their own Chinese name, students would be able to understand the unique of the characters, to appreciate the wisdom of ancestors, and to affirm the rich Chinese culture.

    This three - month action research consist of qualitative and quantitative methods. The participants were junior one students from Kuen Cheng High School in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Classroom observations, student interviews, reflection notes, student exercise sheets and etc. were collected and analyzed. On the other hand, pre- and post- test and quizzes were conducted to understand the student improvements of cognition, skills and affection changes.

    Based on the findings, this study draw the following conclusions:

    Regarding students, the activity enhanced the efficiency of learning Chinese characters, provided fun learning experience, learnt to appreciate the caring of the family elders, established a positive values, and cultivated the passions towards Chinese characters.
    For teachers, the activity strengthened the aptitude of philology, enhanced teachers` personal professional growth, triggered the reflection on classical Chinese, and become a conveyer of Chinese culture.

    There are plenty of studies on the culture of naming a person and pedagogies on teaching Chinese characters separately. However, study on the combination of the two topics are scarce. Teaching suggestions were provided in this study and hopefully the curriculum could be a frame of reference for teaching Chinese characters and Chinese culture, especially learners from Chinese character educational sphere.
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