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    Title: 租稅規劃策略與營運績效之關聯性研究-以台灣上市櫃電子業為例
    The relationship between tax planning strategies and operating performance: evidence from Taiwan Listed Company in Electronic industry.
    Authors: 林怡均
    Lin, Yi Chun
    Contributors: 許崇源
    Lin, Yi Chun
    Keywords: 租稅規劃
    Date: 2016
    Issue Date: 2016-07-01 14:56:16 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 因應全球化,企業跨國交易日趨頻繁,降低企業租稅成本並提升投資資金成 為管理階層經營首要考量。因此,跨國租稅規劃議題乃成為企業不容忽視的議題, 本研究主要探討企業投入研究發展的程度、於租稅天堂設立公司密集程度及關係 人交易移轉訂價偏離常規交易程度與公司營運績效的關聯性。
    企業投入之研究發展支出可以作為費用及一定程度內適用政府提供之投資 租稅抵減達到稅盾效果;透過於境外低稅率或免稅國家成立公司,可能會透過控 股關係移轉所得達到降低稅負的效果 ; 透過關係人交易將利潤移轉至低稅負國 家的公司以降低整體企業稅負。此三種租稅規劃策略對企業營運績效之影響乃本 研究重點。
    本研究以 2010 年至 2014 年共計 1,636 筆台灣上市櫃電子業之資料,相關的 實證結果顯示如下:
    綜合此三種租稅規劃策略中以研究發展活動對企業營運績效最具顯著影響 力,因此,本研究推斷企業投入研究發展有助於提升企業長期的生產力、突破或 創新等,並進一步促進企業營運績效成長。
    但將子公司設置於租稅天堂對企業營運績效則較不具影響力,認為是因為近 年來,各國政府與國際組織紛紛加強查緝與建立完善的租稅制度以防止企業透過 紙上公司規避稅負的政策關係,而且此一租稅規劃並無為關聯企業創造任何實質價值。因此,在全球打擊租稅規避風潮逐漸盛行下,企業於租稅天堂佈局子公司可能亦會使企業暴露額外的稅務風險。
    企業透過關係人偏離常規交易對企業營運績效雖呈現正相關,但顯著性較研 究發展活動低,推斷為該租稅規劃策略目的僅以稅負極小化作為首要考量,未助於直接提升企業長期營運績效。
    In response to globalization, corporations increase cross-border transactions year by year. Reducing tax costs and increasing capital investment are managements’ primary consideration. Therefore, multinational corporations’ tax planning becomes a noticeable issue. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship of the extent of corporations’ research and development, the intensity of setting affiliates in tax haven, transfer pricing among affiliates deviated from arm’s length principle with corporate operating performance.
    Research and development investment can be expenses when filing tax return and applies for investment tax credit in certain degree to reduce corporate tax cost; through setting up offshore companies in low-tax or tax-free countries, holding companies may transfer or shift income to reduce the corporate tax burden; through related party transactions, holding companies can transfer profits to low-tax countries to reduce the company`s overall corporate tax burden. This study focus on how do these three kinds of tax planning strategies affect corporate operating performance.
    The data of this study is from year 2010 to 2014 a total of 1,636 Taiwan-listed corporations in electronic industry. The relevant empirical results are shown below:
    First, the relationship between the degree of investment in research and development and corporate operating performance: They show a significant positive correlation.
    Second, the intensity of setting affiliates in tax haven and corporate operating performance: They are negatively correlated, but the correlation is not significant.
    Third, transfer pricing among affiliates deviated from arm’s length principle with corporate operating performance: They show a significant positive correlation.
    Among these three comprehensive tax-planning strategies, research and development activities influence most significantly on the corporate operating performance. Therefore, this study concluded that investments in research and development help corporations to improve long-term productivity of the enterprise, or breakthrough innovation, and further promote business operations performance growth.
    But set up affiliates in tax haven influencing less on corporate operating performance. Infer that governments and international organizations gradually reinforce investigating and establish a sound tax system in order to prevent tax avoidance through the paper companies. Besides, the tax planning doesn’t create any real value to affiliates. As the trend of fighting against tax avoidance increasingly popular around the world, setting up companies in tax haven may also make additional corporate tax risk exposure.
    Transfer pricing among affiliates deviated from arm’s length principle with corporate operating performance has positively correlated, but relatively less significant than the impact of research and development activities. Infer that this strategy only takes tax minimization as primary consideration, and not directly help to enhance long-term corporate operating performance.
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