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Title: | 文創產業重要智慧資本之個案研究-企業與銀行之觀點 Case study of cultural and creative industry`s important intellectual capital - views of banks and company |
Authors: | 黃榆芬 |
Contributors: | 王文英 黃榆芬 |
Keywords: | 個案研究法 智慧資本 文創產業 銀行 Case Study Method Intellectual Capital Cultural and Creative Industry bank |
Date: | 2016 |
Issue Date: | 2016-07-01 14:56:09 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 以知識經濟為主軸的時代,會計報表之淨資產已不足以代表企業之價值,透過智慧資本之管理可協助企業保有競爭優勢。但除了企業需要評估本身所擁有智慧資本外,銀行評估放款決策時也需透過智慧資本了解企業真正價值。本研究採個案研究法,以文創產業的個案公司作為研究對象,探討其重視之智慧資本及管理制度。此外,透過訪談兩家銀行以瞭解其進行放款決策時所重視之公司智慧資本,並比較公司重視之智慧資本與銀行評估放款時所重視之公司智慧資本的差異,進而分析差異之可能原因。本研究提出以下三點結論:
一、文創公司重視之智慧資本項目共計39項,且個案公司對於大部分重要智慧資本皆設有管理制度。 二、影響銀行放款決策之智慧資本項目有38項。 三、文創公司與銀行有相同重視之智慧資本項目23項,以及不同項目有29項,造成差異主要原因為兩者對於公司經營穩定性重視程度不同與彼此資訊不對稱所導致。
針對研究結果,並進而對個案公司、產業界及後續研究提出建議。 In the knowledge-based economy, financial statements can only reflect enterprises’ partial value. Enterprise can maintain it’s competitive advantages by intellectual capital management. Not only insiders, but outsiders such as banks need to make the comprehensive accessments from existing quantitive information to undiscovered qualitive intellectual capital for capturing the enterprises’ real value. This research adopts case study method, where the research subject is an enterprise in cultural and creative industry. The research identifies the important intellectual captial and it’s related management. In addition, by interviewing with two banks, I will understand the intellectual capital which the banks emphasize on when they make loan decisions, and making the comparison for important intellectual capital of enterprise between banks and managers and further analyze the reasons of differences. According to the result of case analyses, the conclusions are as follow: 1. In firms’ perspective, there are 39 important indicators, most of which have set measurements for management. 2. In banks’ perspective, there are 38 inportant indicators 3. Both of banks and managers consider 23 indicators as the important intellectual capital indicators. However, they do not hold the consistent opinions on 29 indicators. The main differences between them are operating stability and information asymmetry.
According to the research result, I make some recommendations for the case company, industry and future research. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 會計學系 103353041 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103353041 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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