Abstract: | 蘇軾可以說是宋代全才而精彩的一位文人,兼具文學家與政治家的雙重身份,深得宋仁宗、神宗賞識。論生平遭遇,蘇軾生活於北宋新舊黨爭最激烈的時期,導致他三次被貶,時間長達十年之久,個人的命運與北宋的國運緊緊相扣。論政治成就,蘇軾曾當過翰林學士,但一生大起大落,世途坎坷。論文學成就,他是宋代文壇的領袖,詩、詞、散文的質量均可觀。他通音律、擅書畫,其藝術天分與成就,唐宋兩代無人能及。他的文學作品及評論對後代影響深遠,宋神宗稱譽他才學兼備。蘇軾一生交友滿天下,足跡遍及北宋疆域近三百個城市。本文探討如何將蘇軾生平、文學作品、師友交往及相關研究資料,予以分析、標記、分類、建檔,與地理資訊系統結合,以「研究資源中心」的概念,建構具有時空座標的蘇軾文史地理資訊網站。 Su Shi was regarded as a brilliant all-rounder and as one of the excellent literati of the Song Dynasty. He was a literary writer as well as a politician. He was greatly admired by emperors Renzong and Shenzong of the Song Dynasty. During his lifetime, Su Shi experienced the period of vehement political competition between the new and the old factions of the Northern Song Dynasty. The rivalry caused him to be banished three times, over a span of ten years. His individual fate was closely linked with the vicissitudes of the Northern Song Dynasty. With regard to his political achievements, Su Shi was a member of the Imperial Academy, but his political life was full of constant and dramatic heaves. In the literary domain, he was the leader of the Song Dynasty literati, with remarkable productivity in his creation of poems, lyrics, and prose. He was well versed in music, poetry, calligraphy, and painting. The previous and the contemporary literati of the Tang Dynasty and of the Song Dynasty could hardly surpass his literary and artistic talents and achievements. His literary works and commentaries had far-reaching impact on future generations. Su Shi had ever traveled around in approximately 300 cities within the territory of the Northern Song Dynasty, making friends wherever he stayed. This paper attempts to explore how the historical material related to Su Shi, including his life experience, his literary works,his interpersonal relationships, and relevant research data on him, can be analyzed, tagged, classified, archived, and eventually combined with a geographic information system. With the idea of devising a “research resources center,” we establish a geographic information website on Su Shi, with temporal and spatial coordinates applied to the historical material connected with his life. |