Abstract: | 對於魏晉南北朝經學的定位,前賢或將魏晉南北朝均視為經學中衰;或以中衰視魏晉,以分立視南北朝;或以南學盛而北學衰;或以北學盛而南學衰,所論殊不一致。本文以南北經學盛衰評議為題,即欲藉鳩合舊籍,借助史料,重新省視前賢評論南北經學「盛衰」的妥切性,並藉由多元角度,瞭解諸家對南北朝經學理解差異的所在,分別從在位態度、時局世變、經學教育、經學純駁、經學著作等五方面之比較,提出個人管窺之見,以探其原委,希望對於廓清南北朝經學面貌,能收潦盡潭清之功。 When it comes to the positioning of Confucian classics in the Wei, Chin, Southern, and Northern Dynasties, the viewpoints on the prosperity and decline of Confucian classics in the Wei, Chin, Southern, and Northern Dynasties are quite different. Some predecessors regard Wei, Chin, Southern, and Northern Dynasties all as the decline of Confucian classics, some regard the Wei and Chin Dynasties as the decline of Confucian classics and separate the Southern and Northern Dynasties from this topic, some regard Southern Dynasty as the prosperity of Confucian classics while regard the Northern Dynasty as the decline of Confucian classics, and still come regard Northern Dynasty as the prosperity of Confucian classics while regard Southern Dynasty as the decline of Confucian classics. The main purpose of this study is to re-examine the appropriateness of the predecessors’ viewpoints on the “prosperity and decline” of Confucian classics in the Southern and Northern Dynasties through assembling information in ancient books and historical materials. In addition, it aims to understand the different interpretations of Confucian classics in the Southern and Northern Dynasties from various schools through diversified viewpoints. It compares the differences of various schools through five aspects, which were the attitudes of rulers, changes of time and situations, education of Confucian classics, discussions on Confucian classics, and writings of Confucian classics, respectively. It is hoped that the findings may help clarifying the features of Confucian classic in the Southern and Northern Dynasties. |