Reference: | 壹.中文部份
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I. General Books:
1. Bacharach, Samuel B. & Lawler, Edward 1. Bargaining: Power, Tactics and
Outcomes. San Francisco, 1984.
2.Bartos,O.Process and Outcome of Negotiations.New York:Columbia University Press,1974
3. Cline, Ray S. World Power Trends and the .V: S,: Foreign Policy for the
1980s.Boulder, Colo: Westview, 1980. .
4. Callahan, Patrick; Brady, Linda P.& Hermann, Margaret G. eds. Describing
Foreign _Policy Behavior . Beverly Hills. Ca: Sage Publications, 1982.
5. Cross, John O. "A Theory of the Bargaining Process," in Oran R. Young, ed. ,
BaLgaining: Formal Theories of Negotiation. University of Illinois Press, 1975.
6. Chi, Madeleine. China Diplomacy, 1914-1918. Cambridge: Harvard University
Press, 1970.
7. Criswold, A. Whitney. The Far Eastern Policy of the United States. New Heaven:
Yale University Press,1968.
8. Holsti, K. 1. International Politics: A Framework for Analysi.?5th ed. New Jersey:Prentice Hall , Inc., 1988.
9. Habeeb, William Mark . Power and_ Tactics in International Negotiations: How
Weak Nations Bargain with Strong Nations.Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University
Press, 1988.
10. Homans, O. C. Social Behavior. New York: Harcourt, Brace and World , 1961. 11 . Hui-min ed. , Lo. The Correspondence of O.E. Morrison, 2 vols: 1912-
1920(London: Cambridge University Press.
12. Ikle`, Fred charles. How Nations Negotiate.New York: Harper & Row, Publisher,
13.Jensen,L.Bargaining for National Security:The Postear Disarmament Negotiations.Columbia:University of South Carolina Press,1988.
14. Karrass, Chester Louis. A Study of the Relationship of Negotiator Skill & Power as Determinants of Negotiation. Outcome. A Doctoral Dissertation to U.S.C. , 1968.
15 . Kipnis, D. Ihe Powe.r Holder.Chicago IL. :University of Chicago Press, 1976.
16.Lall,Arthur.Mondern International Negotiation:Principles and Practice New York:Columbia University Press,1996.
17. Lewicki, Roy J. & Litterer, Joseph A. Negotiation. Illinois: Richard D. Irwin, Inc.,
18. Li, Tien-yi. Woodrow Wilson`s China Policy 1913-1917. New York: Octagon
Books, 1969.
19. Nierenberg, Gerard 1. The Art of Negotiating. Cornestone Library, 1981.
20. Nicolson, Harold. Diplomacy. London: Oxford University Press,. 1964.
21. Pruit, Dean. Negotiation Behavior. New York: Academic Press. 1981.
22. Pan, Jan. "A General Theory of Bargaining." in Oran R Young, ed., Bargaining:
Formal Theories of Negotiation. University of Illinois Press, 1975.
23.Rubin,Jeffrey Z.&Brown,Bert R.The Social Psychology of Bargaining and Negotiation. New York: Academic Press, 1975.
24.Reed,James.The Missionary Mind and American East Asia Policy,1911-1915.Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1983.
25. Snyder, Glenn H. & Diesing, Paul. Conf1ict among National. Princeton: Princeton Pniversity Press, 1977.
26. Sawyer, Jack & Guetzkow, Harold. "Bargaining and Negotiation in International
Relations," in Herbert C. Kelman , ed. ` International- B- e-ha-vi-or. New York: Holt,
Rinehart & Winston, 1966.
27.Wall,James A.,Jr.Negotiation:Theory and Practive.Glenview,IL.:Scott,Foresman and CO.,1985.
28 . Zartman, I. William. The 50% Solution. New Haven: Yale University press,
29. Zartman, I. William . & Berman, Maureen R. The Practical Negotiation. New
Haven and London Yale University Press, 1982.
30. Zeuthen, Frederik Problems of Monopoly and Economic Warfare. London, 1930.
31 . Zartman, I. William. The Politics of Trade Neg9tiations Between: Africa and the European Ec.onolnic Community: The Weak Confront the Strong. Princeton, N. J.:PrinceTOn University Press. 1971 .
II.Periodical Works:
1. Baltos, Ot111081" J. "Simple Model of Negotiation: A Sociological Point of View."Journal of Conflict Resotution , 21 (December 1977) : 565-580.
2.Cross, John G. " Negotiation is a Learning Process." Journal of Conflict Resolution,
Vol. 21(December 1977); 581-606.
3.Druckman, Daniel. "The Situational Levers of Negotiating Flexibility." Journal of
Conflict Resolution, 37:2, (.Tune 1993) :236-276.
4. Kobrin, Stephen 1." Testing the Bargaining Hypothesis in the Manufacturing Sector in Developing Countries." International Organization, 41, 4(Autumn 1987)
5. Winham, Gilbert R. "Practitioners` Views of International Negotiation." World
Politics) Vo1.3 2, No.1 (October 1979) : 131-135. |