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Title: | 電子商店之關係品質模式-融合交易成本理論及科技接受模式的觀點 The relationship quality model of electronic store: Combining transaction cost theory with technology acceptance model |
Authors: | 張紹勳 |
Contributors: | 曾淑峰 張紹勳 |
Keywords: | 電子商店 關係品質 顧客滿意度 顧客忠誠度 交易成本理論 關係行銷 電子商務 electronic store relationship quality customer satisfaction customer loyalty transaction cost theory relationship marketing electronic commerce |
Date: | 2002 |
Issue Date: | 2016-05-10 18:57:30 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年來電子商店已成為一種新興的零售通路,在美國有人預估未來幾年內,其市場規模將佔美國零售市場的6~8%(Rosen & Howard,2000)。這種,伴隨著Internet發展而快速成長的電子商務,逐漸的改變了人類的生活習慣,也創造了新的商業行為以及經濟模式,並成為近年來企業經營的熱門話題。
本文旨在精緻化Crosby, et al.(1990)所提實體環境之關係品質模式,並在原模式中納入「網路安全性」、「產品失驗(disconfirmation)」、「資產專屬性」等外生變數。企圖由交易成本(Williamson,1975)、關係品質(Crosby, et al.,1990)及科技接受模式(Davis,1989)觀點,來解釋及預測Internet消費者對電子商店關係品質(滿意度、信任)及忠誠度的心理歷程,進而建立具有理論基礎的電子商店關係品質之因果模式。
定性分析方面,本研究訪談國內28家網路券商主管,輔以次級資料(網商內容分析、期刊雜誌、證交所網站等)搜集佐證,結果發現:網站服務品質愈佳、網站交易安全性及互動性愈高,不但可有效提升顧客的信任及滿意度(關係品質),且顧客忠誠也愈高。因此加強網站互動機制、網頁內容的客製化、優惠商品(手續費折扣)、及網站資產專屬性(知識專屬性、時間專屬性),都是券商套牢顧客的好方法。根據研究結果,本研究得到結論如下:(1)網路下單具有多項優勢,在台灣證券市場相當具有發展潛力。(2)網路證券由價格競爭走向商品/服務品質導向。(3)證券商品/服務走向多元化及國際化,朝網路金融服務中心發展。(4)網路券商在客製化服務方面較傳統券商可提供更佳服務。(5)網站加強核心資源的創新及累積,建立難以模仿的資產專屬性,提升顧客忠誠度。(6)網際網路是關係行銷的利器。(7)安全仍是網路證券業發展的障礙因素。 Recently, The Electronic Store has become an up-and-coming retail channel. In America, some people estimate its market scale will hold six to eight percent of the American retail market in the oncoming years. Such kind of Electronic Commerce that increased rapidly by accompanying the development of Internet has gradually changed human living habits. In addition, Electronic Commerce has created a new commercial behavior and a new economic model. Furthermore, it has become one of the most popular issues in enterprises lately.
The relational management between buyers and sellers is always the key point for enterprises to run a business successfully. Loyal customers have affinitive connections for them to gain profits as well. Most of the scholars mention that the focal point on marketing has transferred from the traditional transaction in the past to relationship marketing that stresses on constructing and maintaining the good enterprise-customer relationship nowadays. The main purpose of relationship marketing regarding as novel mode for selling is to increase customer loyalties and satisfactions, and also to promote fine customer concentrations
For this content, the keynote is to refine the relationship quality model of physical environment, and adopt extraneous variable of net security, product disconfirmation, asset specificity that are from the original model. Additionally, we attempt to use concepts of Transaction Cost (Williamson, 1975), Relationship Quality (Crosby, et al., 1990), and TRA (Theory of Reasoned Action) (Davis, 1989) to explain and predict Internet customers`` psychological process for satisfaction, trust, and loyalty in Relationship Quality of Electronic Store, and then, to build up cause and effect pattern of Relationship Quality of Electronic Store that is provided with theoretical basis.
The research structure consists of three-path relations. It is including (1) Ancestor Variables (ex. products, services qualities, contact intensities, Internet securities, product disconfirmations, and asset specificities) and (2) Intervening Variables (such as satisfactions and trusts), and (3) Consequent Variables, (ex. customer loyalties, and future interactions). Meanwhile, the width of this theory focuses on six main reasons of influencing the Relationship Quality and customer loyalty, such as technologies (Internet securities, user interfaces, and eases of uses), strategies (asset specificities), marketings (contact intensities), products (product disconfirmations), psychologies (Internet usefulnesses, privacies, trusts, and satisfactions), and domestic cultures.
According to this research, it simultaneously adopts two ways of the Qualitative Analysis and Quantitative Analysis to verify its result.
For Quantitative Analysis, it takes randomly survey samples which amounts to 3,231 consumers from Taiwan, Hong Kong, India, China, and America to know the psychographics of internet users. In this part, it``s divided into two steps in information analysis. One is the Explorative, and the other one is the Confirmatory. The former one adopts validity and reliability to shift scale item; the later one uses statistic tools, called" LISREL" to carry out structural analysis in the Relationship Quality Model of Electronic Store, and confirms to find out the cause and effect (Customer loyalty and further interaction) of the Relationship Quality (Satisfaction and trust). Through the result of Quantitative Analysis, we can find out: 1) The research, called "B2C Electronic Store" the Relationship Quality Model is able to obtain the support; 2) When strengthening Electronic Store``s internet usefulness, product disconfirmation, contact intensity, and internet security, it can promote the Relationship Quality well; 3) For the development of Electronic Commerce in Taiwan, the internet security precaution still takes as a serious problem to solve; 4) Stressing on Electronic Store``s service quality, asset specificity and relationship satisfaction can increase customer loyalty and enterprise``s profit; 5) Increasing Relationship Quality can posses loyal customer, and further enhance bilateral future interaction.
For the Qualitative Analysis, we interview 28 on-line broker firms in Taiwan, and collect the secondary information (web content of online-broker analysis, periodical magazine, and stock exchange website), as a result, we find out that the better the website``s service quality, the greater transition security and interaction. For this research, it can not only effectively increase the customer trust and satisfaction (the relationship quality), but also build up the high customer loyalty. Hence, it is a good way for brokers to underpin the amounts of customers by uplifting the website interactive mechanism, customized website contents, off-price merchandize (fee discounts), website asset specificities (knowledge and time specificity). Base on the result in this research, we conclude that: (1) An order from the website has varieties of advantages, so it``s equipped the capability of development in Taiwan stock market; (2) Website bond has moved toward merchandize or service quality instead of price competition; (3) Bond merchandize and service has become diversified and global pattern, and it faces toward the Service Center of Online-banking form; (4) Due to the customized service, current online-broker can provide better service than traditional one; (5) For the invention of strengthening core resource, it can have their own asset specificity that is hard to imitate, and promote customer loyalty; (6) Internet is a good toll for the Relationship Marketing; (7) Security is still the main obstacle for the internet stock market development. |
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