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    Title: 我國公共職業訓練機構應用全面品質管理之實證研究
    Authors: 黃麗美
    Contributors: 吳定

    Date: 1997
    Issue Date: 2016-05-10 16:26:14 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   有句話說「根衰則樹枯,蒂壞則果落」,行政為一有機體,本身即有「惰性」,「老化」為其必然趨勢。因此必須體檢、進補,以維持或提高績效,所以,世界各國無論公、私部門,莫不尋求不斷突破、努力的方向,以避免組織面臨僵化或衰頹的命運。
      本論文研究的主要目的即在探討全面品質管理(Total Quality Management,簡稱TQM)應用於我國公共職訓機構之情況,期能尋求一種新的管理方式,適用於我國公共職訓機構,使其常保活力,持續成長,永續生存。
      本研究依變項包括重要性與困難度兩大部分,經由因素分析將公共職業訓練機構應用全面品質管理之重要性九大指標合併重組為六大重要性變項;亦將困難度九大指標合併重組為六大困難度變項。並應用次數分配、描述統計、平均數t考驗及單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)及二因子變異數分析(two-way ANOVA)進行分析與討論。本文主要研究發現如下:
      It is true that the public sector is organic so its degradation is inevitable.Therefore, the continuous review and improvement is the direction for public and private sectors around the world to go lest an organization be doomed to stagnate or wither away.
      The purpose of this study is to investigate the application of total quality management (TQM) on Taiwan`s public professional training institutions; further to redefine a better management for them to keep the active vigor and growth.
      The study takes the employees and trainees from 13 public professional training institutions as its questionnaire subject; there are 1500 effective samples to be randomized and 916 feedbacks. This thesis, on the basis of Taiwan`s customary practices and organizational properties, takes Taiwan`s national quality award as a TQM indicator to investigate customers` opinions on TQM and review the difficulties of public training institutions` practices on TQM, with a view to upgrading the training quality.
      This study focuses on two aspects of importance and difficulty on the basis of variables. In term of importance, nine indicators are combined to be six variables; in term of difficulty, nine indicators are combined to be six variable. For the analysis and discussion, such approaches are used as frequency distribution, descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVAand two-way ANOVA. The findings are as follows:
      I. From the cases of the public sector in Canada, France, Germany and Holland, it is common for both private and public sectors to apply TQM with success.
      II. Findings from an empirical research
      1. Regardless of personal background, the faculty or trainees all agree with the importance in the training quality improvement by promoting TQM.
      2. The faculty subject to such conditions as female, educational background equaling to master degree or higher, aged between 25 and 35 with work title of executives and the seniority of below ten years, employee of a corporate body, all believe that there is no factor important than to upgrade the training quality by TQM.
      3. Among the six factors, the three ones, including high-rank management and organizational process, information application and research development, and human development and management, draw more difficulty in case of execution.
      4. Among the faculty, executives of master or higher degree think that it is not difficult to upgrade the training quality by promoting TQM.
      As the saying goes, "actions are mightier than words", no policies are perfect except when they are fulfilled. As our government is devoted to making clerical reforms to build a government of honesty, efficiency and public servants, our national manpower resources will be well-developed; power be fortified, competence be risen supposed with effective TQM applications in line with the economy, society and politics.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#A2010000703
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[Department of Public Administration] Theses

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