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    Title: 高科技企業IPO折價幅度之預測-類神經網路之應用
    Authors: 喻燿芬
    Contributors: 周行一

    Date: 2002
    Issue Date: 2016-05-10 16:18:55 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   在現今全球金融環境變化快速的時代裡,企業愈來愈仰賴大量的電腦資訊以維持競爭力,近來類神經網路的應用漸漸被使用在提高財務決策之品質與效益,以作為財務決策支援系統。類神經網路在財務方面之應用相當廣泛,由信用評等到許多財務上之預測,例如分析客戶資料庫以找尋潛在客戶群以及分析財務交易資料庫以找尋洗錢情形等等。因此,企業在龐大的資料庫中,運用由類神經網路所作之決策支援系統,將這些原先無法得知的資訊,用來增加獲利、加強客戶服務,最後將增加企業競爭力。
      Financial Service Companies are getting more dependent on using computers to maintain competitiveness at today`s rapidly changing financial environment. Artificial neural networks are getting more popular as a tool to aid in the quality of financial applications. Artificial neural network has found its way into many sectors of financial application, ranging from credit card authorization to various financial forecasting. Examples like analyzing database to find potential customers, and sip through database to isolate money-laundry activities. With this tool as a decision support system, corporation can find knowledge never found before and to use it to gain better benefit, enhance customer service, and increase competitiveness.
      One characteristics of artificial neural network is even with incomplete or imperfect data, it can still provide reasonable answer. And this is very important for financial forecasts since financial data are sometimes incomplete or containing erroneous data. And contrary to the strict data cleaning requirement for multiple regression technique to come up with a good answer,
      IPO is the first chance a corporation can garner public capital from the capital market by selling its stock to the market. How to evaluate the appropriate price for the post IPO price needs not only information regarding the subject company, but also the economic environment, also the input variables are independent no relation with each other, causing individual investors or investment bank hard to determine the post IPO price. And add to fact that available information is sometimes incomplete , it is even harder to do proper valuation.
      This report utilizes the characteristics of artificial neural network, from the perspective of an individual investor or investment bank, so with limited financial data available from the market, to do post IPO price forecast. While we define the post IPO price is the price of the previous day before the 7% up or down limitation lock is broken. The result of the artificial neural network is compared with the result from the multiple regression technique. And the conclusion is that the average deviation from artificial neural network is substantially lower then those from the multiple regression method, so artificial neural network has better performance in the case of post IPO price.
    第1章 緒論-----1
      1.1 研究動機-----1
      1.2 研究目的-----3
      1.3 研究假說-----4
      1.4 研究範圍與研究限制-----5
      1.5 研究架構與流程-----7
    第2章 文獻回顧-----11
      2.1 類神經網路-----11
      2.2 人工類神經網路(ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK)-----12
      2.3 訓練網路-----20
      2.4 倒傳遞(BACK PROPAGATION)類神經網路-----21
      2.5 類神經網路應用之相關文獻-----24
    第3章 研究方法-----28
      3.1 類神經網路設計流程-----28
        3.1.1 收集資料-----30
        3.1.2 資料分析-----38
        3.1.3 網路設計-----40
      3.2 網路訓練與測試-----43
        3.2.1 網路訓練-----43
        3.2.2 網路測試-----44
    第4章 實證研究-----45
      4.1 評價方法-----45
      4.2 多變數迴歸實證-----46
        4.2.1 資料分析-----46
        4.2.2 迴歸結果-----49
      4.3 類神經網路實證-----50
        4.3.1 訓練集與測試集資料選定-----50
      4.4 模型評量-----59
    第5章 結論-----60
      5.1 驗證假說之結果-----60
      5.2 結論與建議-----63
    附錄A 增減神經元測試-----68
    附錄B 調整學習參數測試-----73
    附錄C 隱藏層增加到2層之測試-----76
    附錄D 原始資料-----78

    圖1 研究流程圖-----8
    圖2 處理單元之架構-----13
    圖3 網路基本架構-----13
    圖4 雙向關聯記憶系統架構-----14
    圖5 適應共振理論架構-----15
    圖6 二維(HARD LIMITER)與傾斜(RAMPING)函數圖形-----17
    圖7 倒傳遞式(BACK PROPAGATION)類神經網路-----21
    圖8 實證流程-----29
    圖9 80年─90年股價加權指數-----34
    圖10 S型函數、高斯函數、雙曲線函數、SECH函數-----41

    表1 類神經網路在財務方面應用的文獻彙整表-----27
    表2 公司發行規模的分佈-----31
    表3 創投擔任董事、監察人席位比例分佈-----33
    表4 多頭市場與空頭市場-----34
    表5 輸入變數-----35
    表6 全體樣本依有無創投參與投資劃分-----37
    表7 全體樣本依上市、上櫃劃分-----38
    表8 輸入值與輸出值間的相關性-----39
    表9 自變數之分佈與應變數之相關係數─研究組-----47
    表10 IPO價格與蜜月期結束時收盤價之價格分佈—研究組-----47
    表11 自變數之分佈與應變數之相關係數—對照組-----48
    表12 IPO價與蜜月期結束時收盤價之價格分佈—對照組-----48
    表13 多變數迴歸分析—研究組-----49
    表14 迴歸分析之預測價格分佈-----49
    表15 轉換函數組合測試-----52
    表16 各組合函數增減隱藏層神經元的排名-----54
    表17 學習參數排名-----57
    表18 最佳網路架構排名-----58
    表19 預測值之模型評量表-----59
    表20 研究假說驗證結果-----60
    Reference: 一、中文部分
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#A2010000555
    Data Type: thesis
    Appears in Collections:[Executive Master of Business Administration] Theses

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