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    Title: 我國創投公司對科技產業之知識互動研究
    The research of the knowledge interactive relationship between venture capitalist and technology industries
    Authors: 黃俊傑
    Huang, Chun Chieh
    Contributors: 李仁芳
    Lee, Jen Fang
    Huang, Chun Chieh
    Keywords: 知識互動
    knowledge interactive
    venture capital
    technical company
    knowledge management
    start-up knowledge
    industrial network
    business management
    Date: 2002
    Issue Date: 2016-05-10 16:17:48 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   本研究之目的在探索國內科技產業的發展過程中,科技公司創業及經營的過程裡,創投公司對科技公司之知識互動關係,探討創投公司在科技公司各經營階段所扮演的角色及功能,創投公司可以提供科技公司之附加價值,影響創投事業與科技公司知識互動之因素,以及創投公司對科技創新之影響。
      The objectives of this thesis intend to explore the knowledge interactive relationship between the venture capitalist and technology industries as well as the key success factors (KSFs) to initiate the interactive basis. Based on the knowledge interactive relationship, this study presents : the roles and functions of the venture capitalist during different business stages, the added-value that the venture capitalist provided, the key factors influencing the interactive relationship, and the changes in technology and innovation as influenced by the venture capitalist.
      The key success factors initiating the interactive relationship between the venture capitalist and technology industries are the technology company`s demand in knowledge and resources as well as the knowledge and resources that the venture capitalist can provided.
      This study was conducted by using case study methodology covering four samples of high-tech companies and two venture capitalists. The results of this study are as follows:
      1. During the seed and start-up stages of technological companies, the venture capitalist acts as the promoter and start-up consultant.
      2. During the growth and development stages of technological companies, the venture capitalist acts as the resource-provider and coordinator.
      3. During the late stage of technological companies, the venture capitalist acts as the IPO promoter.
      4. During the re-orgnization stage of technological companies, the venture capitalist acts as the re-structurer.
      5. The industrial network of the venture capitalist will influence the company`s investment performance.
      6. The investment amount will influence the knowledge interactive intensive of the venture capitalist.
      7. The venture capitalist only affords capital but without knowledge have been worked difficult. Only the venture capitalists with smart-money and value-added will have development space.
      8. The venture capitalist leads the capital efficiency and the technical companies lead the technology innovation. Both of them promote the development of economics.
      9. Start-up new companies with innovative technologies to purchase excellent financial reward are the motive factor of technology development.
      10. The venture capitalists with technical background will more actively promote the innovative technologies start-up. The venture capitalists with financial background will focus on the management of the investee.
      11. The diversity of technology innovation builds up the development space basis of the venture capitalists.
      12. The modularization of the technical innovation and business management is the key factor in pushing the knowledge interactive between technical companies and venture capitalists.
      13. The industrial network and management knowledge contributions of the venture capitalists are more than the contributions of the capital benefit.
      14. The more amorphous of the industry, the more knowledge interactive activities between the technical companies and the venture capitalists.
      15. The more technical-oriented companies, the less knowledge interactive activities between the technical companies and the venture capitalists.
    第一章 緒論-----1
      第一節 研究動機及背景-----1
      第二節 研究目的-----4
      第三節 章節架構-----5
    第二章 文獻探討-----7
      第一節 知識的定義-----7
      第二節 知識管理相關文獻探討-----8
      第三節 新創科技公司的定義及特性-----17
      第四節 創業投資的定義-----22
      第五節 創投事業之附加價值-----27
    第三章 研究方法-----30
      第一節 研究架構-----30
      第二節 研究方法-----32
      第三節 研究設計-----37
      第四節 研究限制-----38
    第四章 我國創業投資產業介紹-----39
      第一節 緣起-----39
      第二節 發展政策-----41
      第三節 發展歷程-----43
      第四節 發展現況-----46
      第五節 創投事業之投資階段-----55
      第六節 創投事業之投資流程-----57
      第七節 創投事業之經營架構-----60
      第八節 投資重點產業現況分析-----62
    第五章 個案分析-----65
      第一節 研究個案簡介-----65
      第二節 個案分析及整理-----99
    第六章 研究發現-----103
      第一節 啟動知識互動之關鍵因素-----103
      第二節 創業經營互動構面-----106
      第三節 科技創新互動構面-----111
      第四節 知識管理互動構面-----115
    第七章 結論與建議-----117
      第一節 結論-----117
      第二節 研究發現之實務意涵-----118
      第三節 後續研究建議-----120
    附件一 創業者的十四個歷程-----125
    附件二 創投公司訪談問卷-----128
    附件三 科技公司訪談問卷-----130
    附件四 創投事業投資評估準則-----131

    圖1-1 章節架構圖-----5
    圖2-1 四種知識轉換模式-----9
    圖2-2 組織知識創造螺旋-----12
    圖2-3 創業投資事業經營關聯圖-----27
    圖2-4 創投事業網路結構-----31
    圖3-1 研究架構-----32
    圖3-2 研究流程-----33
    圖4-1 創投事業之投資流程圖-----60
    圖4-2 創投事業之經營架構圖-----62
    圖5-1 DIP外觀-----68
    圖5-2 QFP外觀-----68
    圖5-3 BGA結構-----69
    圖5-4 BGA外觀-----69
    圖5-5 光儲存產業-----80
    圖5-6 多媒體紀元的應用發展-----82
    圖5-7 我國科技事業各階段之知識互動-----101

    表2-1 創業者的五個重要歷程-----23
    表3-1 個案科技公司簡介-----36
    表3-2 個案創投公司簡介-----37
    表3-3 本研究訪談對象-----37
    表4-1 國內創投公司投資產業別統計表(金額別)-----49
    表4-2 國內創投公司投資產業別統計表(家數別)-----50
    表4-3 國內創投資金來源結構分析表-----51
    表4-4 國內創投公司投資階段別統計-----52
    表4-5 國內創投公司團隊專長統計表-----53
    表5-1 A公司主要產品-----67
    表5-2 CD及DVD格式差異-----80
    表5-3 我國DVD產業發展競爭力分析-----82
    表5-4 CCD與CMOS Sensor綜合比較表-----94
    表5-5 創投事業與科技公司互動因果彙總表-----102
    表5-6 創投事業與科技公司互動成功因素彙總表-----103
    Reference: 中譯本部份
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#A2010000479
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