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Title: | 社區型基金會的治理研究:以嘉義新港及宜蘭仰山的兩家文教基金會為案例 |
Other Titles: | The Governance of Community-based Foundations in Taiwan: the Comparative Study between Hsin-Kong Foundation and Yang-Sun Foundations |
Authors: | 官有垣;李宜興;謝祿宜 Kuan, Yu-Yuan;Lee, Yi-Hsin;Hsieh, Lu-Yi |
Keywords: | 社區型基金會;非營利組織;公民社會;治理;董事會 community-based foundations;nonprofit organizations;civil society;governance;the board |
Date: | 2006-03 |
Issue Date: | 2016-05-10 11:33:29 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 研究非營利組織(NPO)的治理,關切的是NPO能否有效發揮其組織功能,以便在社區裡有良好的產出表現。此對NPO的要求,不僅具有正當性,也有道德義務在。本文的目的在於論述兩家台灣最著名的社區型基金會──新港與仰山文教基金會之治理模式的差異,及其在公民社會建構過程中顯示的意涵。 新港文教基金會,位於台灣嘉義縣新港鄉,自一九八七年成立以來即陸續舉辦多項著名的藝文、環保、社福等活動與計畫外,平時即能有效結合地方機關團體,鼓勵社區志工參與,辦理各項藝文展演、環保、社會教育等活動。新港的治理,其中一項主要的特色即是董事在地化的政策,與一般基金會常見的專業掛帥或酬庸性質所組成的董事會不同,新港的董事會是以社區在地人士,且是資深義工為主要構成核心。在該基金會裡,董事會、秘書處與義工組織是相互合作的「鐵三角關係」,這樣的三者共同合作運作,不但使溝通無障礙,也使組織的各項活動能符合原先的目標與預期成效。 仰山文教基金會,位於台灣宜蘭縣宜蘭市,創立於一九九○年。十餘年來,該基金會對社區營造工作的推動一直不宜餘力,不僅拓展自身的發展,也積極鼓勵宜蘭其他社區加入社區營造工作。仰山早期的參與者多數為宜蘭地區相互熟識的文教界菁英,以菁英集體領導方式在運作。仰山因為在菁英領導下運作,所以對於服務成果呈現方式和標準也傾向以專業水準做為自我評量的準則。在仰山的運作中,如企委、董事都是以決策型志工的身份參與,因此這類型的志工可以說對於組織發展有很大的影響,但是仰山與其他非營利組織最大的不同是它並無常設性服務∕行政功能的志工組織,因此一般社區居民若想要以個別志工的身分參與基金會的工作,並不是件容易的事。 The purpose of this paper is trying to identify the different governance models between Hsin-Kong Foundation and Yang-Sun Foundation and their implications and influences of building the civil society. Hsin-Kong Foundation, which based on Chia-Yi County, has held a various of activities, such as arts, environmental protection and welfare services after its formal establishment in 1987. It work closely with local groups and institutions and encourages the participation of community volunteers. One of the unique characteristics of its governance model is the policy of localization of its board members. These characteristics made it different from other foundations, which board members may be professional-led. The board members of Hsin-Kong Foundation mainly recruit among local residents, who are also its senior volunteers. Therefore, the board, the secretariat and its volunteers can form the “iron triangle” for its work. By this co-operation model, participants are easy to communicate each other and to make sure of the organizational activities match the foundation’s original mission and expectations. Yang-Sun Foundation is located in Yi-Nan County. It has committed itself in the work of arts and education promotion and community development. It was established in 1990. The founders and the senior participants of Yan-Sun Foundation are the elite groups from the field of arts and education, which had created a unique elite-led governance model. Guided by the elite-led model, the foundation has developed its professional standards of evaluation and assessment for the activities and performance. All the members of the board and trustees of Yang-Sun foundations are volunteers. However, Yang-Sun Foundation did not have a permanent sector for volunteers who simply play the role of service-provider/support staff, so it is hard for local residents to be involved in the work of the foundation as “pure and simple” volunteers. |
Relation: | 公共行政學報, 18,21-50 Journal of Public Administration National Chengchi University |
Data Type: | article |
Appears in Collections: | [公共行政學報 TSSCI] 期刊論文
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