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    Title: 俄國女性革命家 維拉‧沙蘇里契及其政治思想轉換
    Authors: 劉淑芬
    Contributors: 劉克甫
    Keywords: 維拉
    female revolutionist
    transformation of thinking
    the Liberation of Labour
    Date: 2002
    Issue Date: 2016-05-09 16:55:34 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   本文題目為「俄國女性革命家 維拉‧沙蘇里契及其政治思想轉換」,專述沙蘇里契的生平要事與其思想轉換過程。好比她在勞動解放社和俄國社會民主黨在十九世紀末的紛爭,另外在火星報時期列寧和普列漢諾夫之間的紛爭中也可以看出沙蘇里契的樞紐角色。在幾乎二十五年的時間裡,在反政府恐怖主義運動中,她不得已地刺殺了德列波夫之後,她便拋棄了恐怖暴力革命之思想,並在土地與自由社的分裂當中,吸引一些追隨者隨她加入黑土重分社,同樣地她在一八八三年更有助於發掘第一個俄國馬克思主義社會,如此一來,永久地分裂了民粹主義,長久以來換得了一個激進的社會主義觀點。一度在一九○三年,沙蘇里契扮演一個在孟什維克派與布爾什維克派的分裂中重要的角色。
      The topic of this dissertation is “ The Russian female revolutionist- the life of Vera Zasulich and her transformation of political conviction.” The focus of this research is her life and the transformation process of her political conviction. For example, her role in the Liberation of Labour, Social Democratic Labour Party, and her relationship with Plekhanov and Lenin.
      At first, the focus is an introductory part in a piece of this research. In the second chapter, touching upon her life, she was born into a poor family in 1849. Her father died when she was three years old and as her mother was unable to cope, she sent Vera to live with wealthy relatives in Biakolovo. When Zasulich finished her schooling she moved to St. Petersburg and found work as a clerk. She became involved in radical politics and met Sergi Nechayev, the co-author with Mikhail Bakunin of Catechism of a Revolutionist. Zasulich joined a weaving collective and became active in the movement to educate workers, conducting literacy classes for them in the evenings.
      In the third chapter, the focus is her transformation from a populist to a Marxist. In 1876, Zasulich found work as a typesetter for an illegal printing press. A member of the Land and Liberty group, when Zasulich heard that one of her fellow comrades, Alexei Bogoliubov, had been badly beaten in prison, she decided to seek revenge. Zasulich went to the local prison and shot Dmitry Trepov, the Governor General of St. Petersburg. She was arrested and charged with attempted murder. During the trial the defence produced evidence of such abuses by the police, and she conducted herself with such dignity, that the jury acquitted her. When the police tried to re-arrest her outside the court, the crowd intervened and allowed her to escape.
      In the fourth chapter, the focus is the role she played in the Marxist period. In 1883, Zasulich joined with George Plekhanov and Paul Axelrod to form the Liberation of Labour, the first Russian Marxist group. Later she moved to Switzerland where she became active in the Social Democratic Labour Party (SDLP) and served on the editorial board of Iskra.
      From the fifth to the seventh chapter, the key point is the latter part of her life. At the Second Congress of the Social Democratic Labour Party in London in 1903, there was a dispute between Vladimir Lenin and Jules Martov, two of SDLP``s leaders. The last part, she returned to Russia during the 1905 Revolution but after its failure ceased to be active in politics. During the First World War Zasulich supported the war effort and opposed the Bolshevik Revolution. Vera Zasulich died in 1919.
      The objective of this research is to analyze three subjects:
      1.The causes of her transformation in her political conviction.
      2.The relationship between Zasulich and Lenin under changing of the Russian political form.
      3.The thinking of the latter part of Zasulich``s life.
    Reference: 壹、 一手史料
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    Anatoly Vasilievich Lunachar sky, “Lenin”, http://www.ex.ac.uk/Projects/meia/lunacharsky/Silhouettes/lenin.htm
    Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, “The Communist Manifesto”, http://www.kpid.dk/documents/Manifestfiles/manifest.html#pref82rus
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