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    政大機構典藏 > 商學院 > 資訊管理學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/95539
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    Title: 全球運籌管理模式下資訊系統架構之研究-以國內筆記型電腦產業為例
    Authors: 許良誠
    Contributors: 林我聰
    Keywords: 供應鏈管理
    Supply Chain Management
    Global Logistics Management
    Information System Architecture
    Date: 2002
    Issue Date: 2016-05-09 16:27:48 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   近年來,速度已經成為企業全球化競爭的關鍵要素,但企業無法單憑一己之力,及時地突破技術或市場上的瓶頸,因此,企業需專注於對自身具競爭優勢之價值活動,並集中力量維持與強化企業生存之核心資源,建立不易被取代之優勢,再透過產業間的分工,將產品從研發、設計、製造、組裝、行銷、售後服務,藉由分佈全球不同區域與不同國家的公司分別進行,共同塑造出具備彈性、速度與競爭力的合作方式,而此也就是全球運籌模式(Global Logistics)。其中資訊系統更為全球運籌模式的中樞,擁有完整的資訊系統,才可將分散全球的銷售、生產、庫存、出貨等資訊加以蒐集及整合,並提供做為迅速分析、預測、反應的依據。
      筆記型電腦產業是目前台灣最具發展潛力的產業之一,而且台灣筆記型電腦產業所面臨的是國際化的競爭,業者一定要具備優良之全球運籌管理能力才可能接獲國際系統大廠之訂單,所以全球運籌管理對於筆記型電腦代工業者而言是非常重要的課題。因此,本研究將先藉由相關文獻的深入探討,分析目前國內外學者已經提出來之全球運籌管理模式資訊系統架構,接著歸納整理出全球運籌管理運作模式,再針對國內筆記型電腦產業現存問題的分析、現況觀察後,提出符合國內筆記型電腦產業之一般性全球運籌模式(General Global Logistics Models),並將依循著此模式,提出一個可行的全球運籌管理模式之資訊系統架構,最後利用雛型系統之建置,驗證其可行性。希望透過此資訊系統架構,使資訊流能跨越組織藩籬順暢地在供應鏈中往返,使整個供應鏈就像是一個虛擬企業,縮短產品上市時間,以最少成本、最低存貨,提供顧客最大的滿意度。
      In recent years, ”Speed” is a critical factor determining the competitive edge of globalized enterprises. For this reason, a successful manufacturer must first carefully maintain its competitive edge and do its best to increase its core resources for existence before seeking for cooperation of other companies in different areas of different countries to carry out R&D activity, design, manufacturing, assembling, marketing and after-sales service. When these companies cooperatively achieved the complete process of production based on a world industrial labor division system, they created a cooperative method with features of flexibility, speediness and competitiveness. And this is a start of global logistics models. Among these global logistics models, information system is regarded as a hub. With a complete information system, the manufacturer may collect and systematize the information of its marketing, production, stock and delivery coming from different countries and may also make analyses, predictions and responses on this systematized information.
      The notebook computer industry is now regarded as one of potential industries in Taiwan. What this industry is faced with is the fierce competition on the global market. A notebook computer manufacturer, who lacks the ability to manage global logistics, cannot obtain orders from world leading buyers of reputable systems. In other words, world logistics management is a very important issue to OEM manufacturers of notebook computers. In this research, the first focus is placed on discussion and analysis made, in accordance with related literature, on the framework of information system built on global logistics management models submitted by domestic and overseas modern scholars. From this discussion and analysis is drawn an operating model of global logistics management. Besides, accompanying an analysis given to the existing problem and an observation given to the present situation of this industry, general global logistics models that meet with the demand of domestic notebook computer industry and the framework of information system built on feasible global logistics management models is submitted. Finally, verification is given to this feasibility through the erection of a model system. This information system is expected to make information flow more easily run in the supply chain over structural barriers and the entire supply chain serve as a simulated enterprise so that products can be more quickly put on the market and customers are satisfied with the least cost and the lowest stock rate.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#A2010000421
    Data Type: thesis
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