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Title: | 上海技術交易市場及技術鑑價體系之研究 The Research on Technology Market and Technology Valuation System of Shanghai |
Authors: | 吳達蓮 Wu, Da Lian |
Contributors: | 吳豐祥 Wu, Feng Shang 吳達蓮 Wu, Da Lian |
Keywords: | 技術交易市場 技術產權交易 技術鑑價 技術經紀人 Technology Market in Shanghai Technology transfer and exchange Technology evaluation Technology transfer agent |
Date: | 2002 |
Issue Date: | 2016-05-09 16:23:03 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究主要是對上海的技術中介機構和資產評估事務所作初探性的研究,希望去實地瞭解目前中國大陸上海技術交易市場運作的狀況,及其技術鑑價相關機構。
訪談和資料收集後發現,中國大陸技術市場所扮演的角色主要為:溝通、評估、協調、組織。中國政府近年來大力推動技術交易、技術產權交易,配合各種優惠政策吸引技術、人才和資金,所以技術市場發展迅速蓬勃。評估的部分,技術鑑價為其資產評估的一部份,但是由於過去政治體制的影響,受限法令,流於形式,發展有限。主要技術成交價格由市場去決定。對於欲交易的技術的真實性與可靠性,有作初步的確認,但受限資源,並無法作深入的瞭解和把關,由欲購買技術者與技術賣方接觸詳談瞭解。 In Mainland China, the government is promoting the “technology market” in order to push the technology into the market these years. The “technology market”, including STTE, Saviaq and technology transfer agent office, is a platform for technology transfer and exchange. This research surveys these intermediary organizations of technology transfer and exchange, and the technology evaluation organization in Shanghai. By visiting the STTE (Shanghai Technical Transfer Exchanger), Saviaq, Ke-Hua asset evaluation office and technology transfer agent office, this research wants to know how this platform work, and focuses on how they evaluate the technology and how these organizations work, the background of these organizations established and if the platform has the risk free prevent process in the dealing of technology transfer and exchange or not.
In Mainland China, the main function of “technology market” is offering an information platform of technology transfer and exchange. The Saviaq and STTE combine with many preferential treatment policies for pulling in the capital and the high educated people with the working experience in high technology industry.
The “technology market” in Mainland China is growing rapidly recently. This platform has four main functions: communication between the investors and the technology owner, evaluation of the technology, corresponding with the dealers, organizing and makes some activities to promote the technology transfer and exchange.
The technology evaluation is one part of capital evaluation. Because the political background of communism, the development of the capital evaluation industry is limited by the old government system and laws. The evaluation has no efficient for the dealer in the real market, it just a legal process of the technology transfer and exchange. The final price of the technology transfer and exchange is decided by the dealing.
About the evaluation and risk free prevent process of the technology transfer and exchange is not very sufficient. The “technology market” just does the simple identification of the reality of the technology because identifying the reality need profession and much manpower, but the resource is limited. The “technology market” is just a platform which offers the deal information to the members of their organization. The people can find the technology which they want to invest, and they can make detailed evaluation by themselves. 謝詞
第一章 緒論-----1
第一節 研究背景-----1
第二節 研究動機-----2
第三節 研究目的-----2
第四節 研究問題-----3
第二章 相關理論與文獻探討-----5
第一節 技術交易的定義與類型-----5
第二節 中國大陸技術市場的形成與發展-----12
第三節 中國大陸技術交易的特質-----18
第四節 技術交易方式相關理論-----22
第五節 技術仲介服務體系簡介-----26
第六節 技術定價的方法-----32
第七節 小結-----39
第三章 研究方法-----41
第一節 觀念性架構-----41
第二節 研究架構-----42
第三節 研究對象-----44
第四節 研究方法與流程-----46
第四章 個案內容與分析-----48
第一節 上海科華資產評估事務所有限公司-----48
第二節 上海技術交易所-----61
第三節 技術產權交易所-----67
第四節 上海技術經紀人事務所-----78
第五章 研究發現-----83
第一節 研究發現-----83
第二節 研究限制-----89
第六章 結論與建議-----92
第一節 結論-----92
第二節 實務上的建議-----93
第三節 後續研究建議-----95
圖2-1 上海的科技服務體系-----28
圖2-2 上海技術交流中心及外圍服務組織-----29
圖2-3 企業之研發與技術商品化過程中與技術交易服務的關係-----30
圖2-4 技術交易服務業之範圍-----31
圖3-1 技術交易流程圖-----41
圖3-2 研究架構圖-----42
圖3-3 研究方法架構-----47
圖4-1 資產評估流程-----51
圖4-2 技術交易業務流程圖-----64
圖4-3 上海技術產權交易所會員分佈比例圖-----72
圖4-4 上海技術產權交易所組織圖-----74
表4-1 委託評估技術類無形資產需提供的資料清單-----50
表4-2 資產評估差額定律累進收費表-----52 |
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8、中國科學技術協會:http://www.cast.org.cn/ |
Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理研究所 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#A2010000422 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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