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    Title: 高階主管獎酬、盈餘結構與後續經營績效之實證研究
    Authors: 王婉茲
    Contributors: 張清福
    Keywords: 高階主管獎酬
    compensation structure
    discretionary current accruals
    Date: 2002
    Issue Date: 2016-05-09 16:20:15 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   本文以美國公司為樣本,探討高階主管獎酬結構與後續經營績效之關係以及高階主管獎酬結構與盈餘結構之關係。在高階主管獎酬結構與後續經營績效之關係方面,本文以營業活動之現金流量(CFO)、經濟附加價值(EVA<sup>R</sup>)與股票報酬率(RET)作為衡量公司經營績效之指標,並以會計績效指標之總資產報酬率(ROA)與普通股權益報酬率(ROE)作為敏感性分析。實證結果均支持預期之推論,即高階主管獎酬結構著重長期激勵之公司,其後續績效明顯優於獎酬結構著重短期激勵之公司。
      在高階主管獎酬結構與盈餘結構之關係方面,本研究發現:(1) 盈餘結構之應計項目中,應收帳款變動數、應付帳款變動數、存貨變動數與高階主管短期激勵性獎酬呈正相關,而折舊費用則與高階主管之短期激勵性獎酬呈負相關;反之,應收帳款變動數、應付帳款變動數、存貨變動數則與高階主管之長期激勵性獎酬呈負相關,而折舊費用則與高階主管之長期激勵性獎酬呈正相關。如預期地,這說明較高的短期性盈餘應計項目會導致較高的短期激勵性獎酬,及較低的長期激勵性獎酬;而與長期性投資有關的折舊費用則與長期激勵性獎酬呈正相關。因此偏向短期激勵性獎酬之結構,易誘使高階主管利用該四項應計項目,以獲取短期激勵性獎酬;反之,若高階主管獎酬結構以長期激勵性獎酬為主,則高階主管會較重視長期獲利能力與績效,無形中減少操縱短期盈餘之誘因。(2)高階主管現金獎酬比例越高之公司,其盈餘結構中之流動裁決性應計項目比例亦越高,說明現金獎酬比例較高之獎酬結構會誘導高階主管調節流動裁決性應計項目,以達到預定之盈餘目標。
      This study investigates the relationship between CEO compensation structure and components of earnings and that between CEO compensation structure and firm`s long-term performance. The larger the proportion of long-term incentive compensation in CEO`s total compensation, the better the firm`s long-term performance which is measured either as CFO, EVA<sup>R</sup>, stock return, or accounting performance measures. On the contrary, higher proportion of short-term incentive compensation in total compensation can be obtained by manipulating accrual components. Firms with larger proportion of cash compensation have higher current discretionary accruals so that managers could be motivated toward managing discretionary current accruals to achieve target earnings. Such evidence suggests that compensation structure can be an important mechanism that induces manager`s efforts towards shareholders` interest.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#A2010000150
    Data Type: thesis
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