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    Title: 知識工作特性與薪酬制度之關聯性研究
    Relationships between the characteristics of knowledge work and compensation
    Authors: 李佩蓉
    Lee, Pen Jung
    Contributors: 韓志翔
    Lee, Pen Jung
    Date: 2002
    Issue Date: 2016-05-09 16:14:17 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   According to Drucker (1994), knowledge workers already give the emerging knowledge society its character, its leadership, its central challenges and its social profile. They may not be the ruling class of the knowledge society, but they already are its leading class.
      Today, as the competition rises and work becomes more complex, the importance of knowledge is widely acknowledged by corporate. Knowledge worker is the key to the success of a corporate, and its importance within an organization rises dramatically day after day. Thus, firms need to make a better compensation strategy to retain and reward human capital. As knowledge work becomes an emerging work, it brings me the intention of conducting such a research to explore about the characteristics of knowledge works and the pay strategies of corporate.
      Hence, 1000 questionnaires and postage-paid return envelopes were distributed randomly to workers at different positions and departments within firms in Taiwan. Additionally, Taiwan Compensation Report 2001 published by Watson Wyatt was employed in this study. From the results obtained, task complexity and job autonomy does have a positive association to paying for knowledge. Second, task complexity, task visibility and job autonomy are significant to variable pay according the result obtained from the questionnaires. Whereas only task complexity are shown to affect positively to the variable pay based on the data of Taiwan Compensation Report 2001. Finally, task complexity does have a positive relation to pay level. Despite to the fact, the recession during year 2000 does affect the result for this research.
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