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Title: | 以史碧娃克之解構、女性主義及後殖民論述看珍瑞絲之《寬闊馬藻海》 A Spivakian Reading of Jean Rhys`s Wide Sargasso Sea |
Authors: | 林迦瑩 Lin, Chia Ying |
Contributors: | 田維新 Tien, Wei Hsin 林迦瑩 Lin, Chia Ying |
Date: | 2002 |
Issue Date: | 2016-05-09 16:10:13 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 由於不滿夏洛特白朗蒂(Charlotte Brontë)之曲寫柏莎(Bertha)--簡愛(Jane Eyre)中男主角羅徹斯特(Rochester)來自西印度群島的瘋妻--珍瑞絲(Jean Rhys)決心重寫柏莎的生命紀錄,並試圖還原西印度群島的後殖民面貌。讀畢珍瑞絲的再創作後,史碧娃克(Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak)指出此書主要的貢獻為突顯了柏莎∕安東妮特(Antoinette)之為一充滿情感的人類的事實。相對於《簡愛》那個襯托白人女性主體的他者:柏莎,《寬闊馬藻海》裡的安東妮特情感豐沛、勇於挑戰父權與帝權的壓迫。透過安東妮特與另一重要角色克里斯多芬(Christophine),珍瑞絲細膩而精準地嘲諷了父權及帝權的日迫西山;另一方面,她帶領讀者一窺西印度群島神秘而多元的自然環境及人文意涵。本論文共分五章。第一章為總論,簡述珍瑞絲生平、《寬闊馬藻海》主情節、史碧娃克理論與作品之互動。第二章談解構:重寫簡愛,珍瑞絲成功解構並重構了柏莎的存在。第三章則聚焦於《寬闊馬藻海》中的女性議題,檢討羅徹斯特男子氣概(masculinity)觸礁之事實。第四章自後殖民論述出發,直指帝權的四分五裂。本書中以黑人女管家克里絲多芬的表現最為搶眼,她的現身徹底顛覆了舊有的殖民地印象。珍瑞絲筆下的西印度群島富含無窮的生命韌性及發展活力,遠遠超乎帝權的掌控與想像。結論中瀏覽前四章之軌跡並期待更多故事被發現。 Discontented by Charlotte Brontë`s twisting Rochester`s mad wife, Bertha, from the West Indies in Jane Eyre, Jean Rhys is determined to rewrite Bertha a new life and restore the visage of the postcolonial West Indies. After reading Wide Sargasso Sea, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak points out that the main contribution of the book is to give humanity back to Bertha, that is, to overturn the arbitrary presupposition of the imperialist hegemony towards colonies. In Wide Sargasso Sea, unlike Bertha in Jane Eyre, who exists to supplement the white female subject─Jane Eyre, Antoinette is able to voice for herself and to protest against the double oppressions of patriarchy and imperialism. Through Antoinette and Christophine, Jean Rhys satirizes delicately and precisely the decline of patriarchy and imperialism; in addition, Rhys provides readers with mysterious and multiple natural and cultural treasure of the West Indies. There are five chapters in my thesis. The first chapter, “Introduction,” summarizes the life course Jean Rhys, what happens in Wide Sargasso Sea, and the interrelation between Spivakism and Wide Sargasso Sea. In Chapter Two, I explore Jean Rhys`s intention and success of deconstructing and reconstructing Jane Eyre. In Chapter Three, I focus on the feminist discourse in Wide Sargasso Sea by examining the margin of Rochester`s masculinity. Then, in the fourth chapter, I go straight into the collapse of imperialism by way of reshaping the image of the colony─it is still lively and tough after having been exploited for long by imperialism. Finally in “Conclusion,” I skim trails of the preceding chapters over again and expect more stories to be discovered in the future. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 英國語文學系 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#A2010000277 |
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