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Title: | 國小英語教師對繪本教學之看法及使用現況調查研究 A survey of elementary school English teachers’ perceptions of and Practices in Using Picture Books |
Authors: | 陳瑋琦 Chen, Wei Chi |
Contributors: | 葉潔宇 Yeh, Chieh Yue 陳瑋琦 Chen, Wei Chi |
Keywords: | 國小英語 繪本 elementary school English picture books |
Date: | 2009 |
Issue Date: | 2016-05-09 15:47:36 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在了解台灣國小英語教師使用繪本進行英語教學之情形。透過自編的問卷探索(1)國小英語教師對於運用英語繪本教學的看法,(2)英語教師使用繪本的實際情況,以及(3)使用繪本時所遇到的困難與挑戰。同時,以教師的背景變項與學校的環境變項做分析,探討這些變項是否影響教師對於繪本使用的看法、使用繪本教學的頻率和教學時所面臨的挑戰。
研究對象為大台北地區385位國小英語教師 (156位為台北市教師,229位為台北縣教師)。所得資料經描述統計、變異數分析及交叉分析等統計方法,獲致結果如下:(1)多數英語教師對運用繪本於英語教學的看法正面,但是研究結果顯示,教師們因教學年資不同,在「語言發展」及「學習者」兩個面向上有顯著差異;(2)學校環境變項(班級大小、英語課時數、學校所在區域)及教師背景變項(性別、年齡、教學年資、英語教學資格)對教師使用繪本的頻率有顯著的影響;(3)多數英語教師在進行繪本教學時共同面臨的挑戰為:英語教學時數不足、班級人數多、多媒體設備不足、繪本教學準備費時及英語繪本預算不足等。最後,研究者根據研究發現提出數點建議及未來相關研究之研究方向。 The present study aimed to investigate the current situation of picture books applied in elementary school English teaching, based on a questionnaire survey conducted in the great Taipei area. The study focused on exploring (1) what are teachers’ perspectives toward picture book used in English teaching; (2) how teachers use picture book in English teaching; (3) challenges teachers encountered while using picture books.
A total of 385 elementary school English teachers, 156 from Taipei City and 229 from Taipei County, responded to the questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, variable analysis, and cross analysis. Results in this study showed: (1) teachers mostly had positive perspectives toward applying picture books in English teaching. However, there was a significant difference in their perception in dimension of language development and dimension of learner. Teachers’ teaching experiences was found to be the main factor to influence their perception; (2) school contexts (class size, average English periods, and school area) and teachers’ personal backgrounds (gender, age, teaching experiences, and English teaching certificates) significantly influenced the frequency of teachers’ use of picture books; (3) limited time of English courses, large class size, insufficiency of school multimedia equipment, time spent on preparing picture book instruction, and insufficient budget for picture books were the main challenges reported by teachers.
Based on the findings of the study, pedagogical implications and suggestions for further research were included at the end of the thesis. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 英語教學碩士在職專班 95951003 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095951003 |
Data Type: | thesis |
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