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    Title: 國民中學校長轉型領導對學校組織學習影響之研究
    Authors: 林美真
    Contributors: 吳政達博士
    Keywords: 轉型領導
    transformational leadership
    organizational learning
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2016-05-09 15:47:07 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究旨在探討國民中學校長轉型領導對學校組織學習影響之研究,具體目的包括瞭解國民中學校長轉型領導與組織學習現況、不同背景教師在國民中學校長轉型領導與組織學習知覺之差異情形、國民中學校長轉型領導各構面對組織學習的預測情形,最後歸納結論與建議,作為國民中學校長的參考。
    The main purposes of this research are to understand the current situations of principals` transformational leadership and organizational learning in junior high schools, and to analyze the differences among principals` transformational leadership and organizational learning in personal variables, and school environmental variables in junior high schools. Furthermore, it explores the prediction among teachers’perception of transformational leadership and organizational learning with junior high schools. Finally, According to the results of the collected data, the researcher generalized the conclusions and provided suggestions for junior high schools.
    This study is based on documentary analysis and questionnaires. The “Investigative Questionaire of the organizational learning situations of junior high schools” is the main tool in use. The samples were 1,060 teachers selected from 41 junior high schools in Taiwan, and 860 of the distributed copies were returned as valid. The return rate was 81.13%. A series of statistical methods such as descriptive statistics, T-test, one-way ANOVA, and stepwise multiple regression analysis were employed in this study.
    The main results of this study are as the following:
    1. Among the perceptional levels of the principals’ transformatIional leadership, the highest one is the “ encouraging motivation” ,whereas the lowest falls on “intellectual inspiration”.
    2. In terms of organizational learning, teachers’ perception of” supporting professional development”scores the highest,whereas ” auditing expertise and supporting networking” scores the lowest.
    3. The male teachers have stronger awareness on principals’ transformational leadership and organizational learning in junior high schools.
    4. Teachers in the female principals’ school have stronger awareness on principals’ transformational leadership and organizational learning.
    5. There’s no significant difference in teachers’ awareness of principals’ transformational leadership and organizational learning with respect to different educational backgrounds.
    6. Teachers who are older than 41 years old have stronger awareness of principals’ transformational leadership and organizational learning in junior high schools.
    7. Administrative teachers tend to have higher levels of awareness towards principals’ transformational leadership and organizational learning at schools.
    8. Teachers with more-than-16-year teaching experience have higher levels of awareness towards principals’ transformational leadership in the schools.
    9. Teachers with less than 5 years of teaching experience have higher levels of awareness towards organizational learning in the schools.
    10. As to principals’ transformational leadership and organizational learning, teachers in the schools which are located in countryside have higher levels of wareness than those in town and city schools.
    11. The transformational leadership can make good prediction of organizational learning.

    The results gained from this study can be the useful information for school principals.
    Reference: 壹、中文部分
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