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    政大機構典藏 > 資訊學院 > 資訊科學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/95261
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    Title: 使 Eclipse 平台具備遠端外掛程式功能之研究
    Enhance Eclipse platform with remote plug-ins
    Authors: 林庭瑋
    Contributors: 陳正佳
    Keywords: Eclipse
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2016-05-09 15:28:47 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: Eclipse 是目前最廣受歡迎的軟體工具整合平台,其可擴充的架構,允許第三方撰寫名為 Plug-in 的擴充套件將既有的或是新開發的工具程式整合至此平台。然而隨著 Eclipse 的普及以及可用工具套件的增加,衍生的困擾則是幾乎每一套 Eclipse 平台都會裝載過多的工具。雖然 Eclipse 的架構提供了諸如 Plug-in 的延遲載入(Lazy-Loading)、快速裝載與更新等功能,讓 Eclipse 平台具有相當高度的可延展性(Scalability),但整體效能還是會因為裝載過多的工具程式而下滑。

    為了解決上述問題,本研究提出一套名為 Remote Plug-in 的解決方案,允許使用者或是廠商將原生(Native)或非原生的工具發布到遠端站台,並透過本研究提供的開發工具快速產生包裝程式,讓標的工具能以 Web Services 的型式發布到站台上供使用者叫用。另一方面,需要使用這些工具服務的 Eclipse 平台則可以透過本研究提供的輔助 Plug-in 提供之功能,直接叫用這些工具服務,效果則有如使用安裝於相同電腦的 Plug-in 一樣。

    此作法除了能降低 Plug-in 的安裝數量,進而改善 Eclipse 平台的整體效能外,也能減少許多不常使用工具的裝卸。此外,Remote Plug-in 架構的其他優點在於讓用戶得以使用在其平台無法安裝執行的工具程式,軟體商亦可經由發布 Remote Plug-in 加強對軟體的記錄控管。
    Since its inception in 2001, Eclipse has quickly become the most popular platform for software development, partly thanks to its extensible architecture, which allows third parties to easily integrate their software tools into the platform in the form of plug-ins. As the quick increase and abundance of free or cheap Eclipse plug-ins available to the public, coming up also is the problem that most users install too many plug-ins than tolerable in a platform. Although the designers of Eclipse have develped mechanisms such as Lazy-Loading [42], and quick installation and update subsystem to make Eclipse scalable, the overall performance is inevitably degraded for the installation of too many plug-ins.

    In order to overcome this problem, we propose in this thesis a method called remote plug-ins which can enable the distribution and sharing of plug-ins in remote sites. Users or ISVs (independent software vendors) can deploy their tools on remote sites and use the tool we have developed to wrap them as web services accepting requests from Eclipse platforms. On the other hand, users needing services of remote plug-ins could install in their local Eclipse the proxy plug-in which we developed for requesting services of remote plug-ins. With the help of the proxy, remote plug-ins can be invoked as if they were local ones.

    By moving unnecessary plug-ins outside of local Eclipse installation, not only can our method improve the overall performance of the platform, but it can also diminish the waste of time on tedious installation and uninstallation of plug-ins which are seldom used. Other advantages of our method include the feasibility of invoking remote plug-ins which are either hard or unable to be installed in local Eclipse, as well as more complete control of vendors to client`s access to their tools deployed as remote plug-ins.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0095753032
    Data Type: thesis
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