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    Title: 多巴胺的神經行為功能-探討內側前額葉皮質處多巴胺在壓力下的角色
    The neurobehavioral functions of dopamine - focusing on the role of medial prefrontal cortex under stress
    Authors: 沈映伶
    Contributors: 廖瑞銘
    Keywords: 禁錮壓力源
    Date: 2010
    Issue Date: 2016-05-09 15:25:31 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究為能瞭解多巴胺在壓力源引發個體古典制約行為學習中的參與角色,採用一個與多巴胺相關的場地制約偏好行為作為研究工具,並利用一較溫和的禁錮壓力源作為非制約刺激與場地環境制約刺激進行配對制約。本研究假設內側前額葉皮質處的多巴胺參與在此壓力源引發場地制約行為學習中。實驗一針對單次禁錮壓力源的非制約刺激效果進行檢驗,分別檢測壓力源對個體的生理、情緒或是行為活動量的影響。實驗二利用「同時制約」或是「倒序制約」等兩種制約方式來進行單次禁錮壓力源引發場地制約偏好行為作業,並分別於制約程序的不同時間點施予多巴胺專屬受器拮抗劑,檢驗多巴胺在制約行為學習作業中的參與。實驗三在「同時制約」或是「倒序制約」兩種制約程序中的不同時間點,施予局部麻醉藥物二丁卡因暫時抑制內側前額葉皮質活動,以檢驗該區塊在單次禁錮壓力源引發場地制約偏好行為下的參與角色。實驗四為了解內側前額葉皮質處多巴胺在單次禁錮壓力源引發場地制約偏好行為中的角色,在「同時制約」程序的不同時間點施打多巴胺專屬受器拮抗劑至內側前額葉皮質區。
    To investigate the role of dopamine in stressor involved in classical conditioning, the present study used a dopamine-related task, conditioned place preference (CPP), as behavioral measurement. The mild restraint stressor was used and presumed to serve as the unconditioned stimulus to be paired with the contextual conditioned stimulus. The medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) was hypothesized to be involved in this type of stressor induced place conditioning. Experiment 1 examined the effects of restraint stressor on physiological, emotional or locomotor tests. Experiment 2 investigated the involvement of dopamine in the stressor induced CPP, which conditioning procedures were manipulated by either simultaneous or backward form. The selective dopamine receptor antagonists were systemically administered in different time points during the conditioning procedures. Experiment 3 took lidocaine, a local anesthetic, to induce temporal deactivation of the mPFC. Lidocaine was infused in the mPFC at various time points, in either simultaneous or backward conditioning, to evaluate the involvement of the mPFC in stressor induced place conditioning. To further investigate the effects of dopamine receptors in the mPFC in the present type of CPP, the selective dopamine receptor antagonists were locally infused into the mPFC in simulutaneous conditioning procedure in Experiment 4.
    The results showed that the manipulation of acute 30 min. restraint stressor increased the corticosterone, anxiety, but reduced the locomotor activities in rats. Consitent with previous work, this acute restraint stressor treatment given in either simultaneous or backward conditioning form significantly induced CPP. Systemic injection of dopamine D1 or D2 receptor antagonist given “before” or “after” the manipulation of restraint stressor, in either simultaneous or backward conditioning, attenuated the formation of stressor induced CPP. When these drugs were infused “right after the stressor manipulation and before the commencement of place conditioning” in the backward conditioning, the induction of CPP was also impaired. The attenuation of stressor formed place conditioning was showed when lidocaine was infused in the mPFC “before”, but not “after” the manipulation of restraint stressor. Such an attenuation effect was also seen when the selective D1 or D2 dopamine antagonist was infused in the mPFC.
    The present study showed restraint stressor induced place conditioning as a novel type of classical conditioning. Consistent with the evidence showing that the manipulation of this stressor increases the release of dopamine, this study further verifed that the dopamine in the mPFC is involved in this restraint stressor induced CPP.
    Reference: 沈映伶與廖瑞銘(2007)。〈單次操弄壓力源對場地制約偏好行為學習的影響效果〉。《中華心理學刊》,49, 351-363.
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