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    Title: 影音分享網站使用者意圖之研究
    A study of user intention on video sharing website
    Authors: 張書勳
    Chang, Shu Hsun
    Contributors: 李有仁
    Li, Eldon Y.
    Chang, Shu Hsun
    Keywords: 影音分享
    Video sharing
    Technology Acceptance Model(TAM)
    User intention
    Date: 2009
    Issue Date: 2016-05-09 15:18:06 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 網路科技不斷進步,服務創新與商業模式陸續推出。線上影音分享網站為目前當紅的領域,但對於網站該如何設計以及使用者為何使用影音分享網站都未有明確準則。因此本研究藉由科技接受行為相關理論的回顧,配合影音分享網站之特性,以Davis(1989)的科技接受模式為基礎,結合相關重要變數,提出概念性架構。目的為找出可能影響網站使用者的相關變數、並瞭解Web2.0影音網站使用者之使用意圖。
    As the advance of Internet technology continues new business models are emerging in the market. Online video sharing website is the hottest application nowadays, but there is little study on designing the website and why the users using the website. In this research, we propose a conceptual model based on the technology acceptance model developed by Davis (1989) and this model integrating the important variables due to the extant research of relevant theory of technology acceptance and characteristics of video sharing website. The data collection was used the online survey, and we got the 492 eligible data and the analysis was used the Structural Equation Model (SEM). According to the result, the model fit was qualified. This research will give some management implication for designers who want to set up a video sharing website, this research provides the information on how to invest the limited resource on the critical variables in order to maximize the service value in the conclusion section in this paper.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0096356011
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